
Skoda Elroq 85 with Kia EV3 Long Range: Which is better?

Skoda Elroq 85 with Kia EV3 Long Range: Which is better?

Small SUVs are intended for popular electric vehicles; It is likely that we have two days for you: early November on the Kia EV3 and late November on the Skoda Elroq. A comparison of the best versions corresponds to this one. Elroq’s road trip took place on December 9, after which the dates for the attractive releases are available. This is our Ergebnis.

I am most comfortable with the Kia EV3 Long Range and the Skoda Elroq 85. Although we are able to check one of the relevant factors in practice, they are suitable. Where is that? Nebeneben allgemeinen faktoren wie Kofferraum, Fahrleistungen, Prices and Ausstattung on three electrical dates:

  • Verbrauch: Bestimmt die Kosten mit
  • Reichweite: Bestimmt, wie weit man mit einer Ladung kommt
  • Reichweite-Nachladen in km per min: Bestimmt, wie lang man an der Säule steht


Schluss mit den Vorreden, nun geht es an die Tabelle. If you do not know what to do with the road, you will not be able to use the following instructions and akkukapazität, and will not have any previous dates:

Kia EV3 Long Range (FWD) Skoda Elroq 85 (RWD)
Kofferraum 460-1.251 Liter 470-1,580 liters
Price (Ausstattung) 41,390 euros
(Ausstattung Air)
44,010 euros
(with Regulus-Felgen)
0-100km/h September 7.7. (17-Zöller) September 6.6.
Höchstgeschwindigkeit 170km/h 180km/h
Verbrauch 14.9 kWh/100 km 15.2 kWh/100 km
Reichweite 605 km (17-Zöller) 579km
Reichweite-Nachladen 13.6 km/min 14.5km/min

We are here to help you find business and standards solutions. The work for power loads in kilometers per minute was used by the WLTP law and by manufacturers to load the hub from 10 to 80 percent SoC errechnet. Alle Werte beziehen sich auf die Version mit der reichweitenstärksten Rad-Reifen-Kombination; However, the price is 110 Euro.

Kia EV3: Ziemlich topfebener Ladeboden

Beim Elroq stört die Schwelle an den Sitzen

Whoever sees, the two models are not the same. Next to the Sitz-Umklappen hat of the Kia EV3 with a 300 liter trunk; It is also a quick 20 cm timer. After the Kia Ladeboden, the Skoda is unlikely to plan the seat before the seat, when the man moves in the vehicle he can do it, as he should.

bei Sprint and Spitze are Kia’s worst downfallsit has 60 kW of power and 262 Nm of speed. Beim Verbrauch ist der Kia dagegen besser. Zu den Gründen für den edrigeren Strombedarf dürften die kleineren Felgen (17 to 19 inches), the very small Stirnfläche (geringere Höhe) and the geringere Gewicht (1,885 to 2,119 Kilo) gehören. Aber die 0.3 kWh weniger machen nicht viel aus. With a mileage of 20,000 km and 60 kWh. You will be immersed in Ionity for 69 Cent and I will spend less kWh, but you will only pay 41 euros for more time..

The Reich Road leads the Kia 26 km from hereThe battery was bigger and the battery was smaller than that. Beim Reichweite-Nachladen ist dagegen wieder der Skoda besser. It is possible to charge 1.9 kWh in one minute, the Kia only having 1.8 kWh/min, and it is then largely compensated.

How important is it to practice everything that happens in a “Gewaltmarsch” on the highway? It’s great for everyone because it “down to 10% charge” and then it’s charged to 80% and up to 10% SoC charge. The stages covered with fast loading are fast, and also the three minutes of travel are necessary for relevant practice:

Kia: 545 km Fahren, 31 minutes charging, 424 km Fahren = 969 km
Skoda: 521 km Fahren, 28 minutes charging, 405 km Fahren = 942 km

Zwischenfazit: Die Unterschiede bei Reichweite und Reichweite-Nachladen est marginal, auch den Verbrauchsunterschied kann man vergesen. The largest storage space and the best vehicles are available to you for the Skoda.

EV3: Zwei 12.3-Zoll-Displays as Einheit

Elroq: Small instrument, bigger touchscreen

Pricing and Ausstattung

However, we do not have any prices and authorizations that you may have. The base price for Kia is only 2,620 euros; How do you see ausstattung aus? Here is a table with simple features and your prices:

Kia EV3 Air long range Skoda Elroq85
Displays Zweimal 12.3 inch 5 + 13 inches
Climate installation Series (2-Zonen-Climaautomatik) Series (2-Zonen-Climaautomatik)
Navi Series Series
Headquarters and Lenkradheizung 1,000 Euro (Winter Package) Series
Heat pump 1,000 Euro (Winter Package) 1,080 euros
Parkpiepser Vorn and Hinten series Vorn and Hinten series
Abstandstempomat (ACC) Series 1,340 euros (Clever Package)
Schlüsselloser Zugang Series 1,340 euros (Clever Package)
Dachreling (for Dachbox) Series Series
Metallic lacquer around 690 euros 660 euros
Base price 41,390 euros (plane) €44,010 (with Regulus-Felgen)
Initial price configured 43,080 euros 47,090 euros
Verbrauch configured 14.9 kWh/100 km 15.3 kWh/100 km (+0.1 kWh)
Guarantee 7 years/150,000 km, also for the Akku (70% of Speicherkapazität) 2 years without starting km, 8 years/160,000 km for Akku

Bei der “notigen” Ausstattung cannann verschiedener Ansicht sein: Wer Assistenzsysteme ablehnt, braucht keinen Abstandstempomat, wer am warmen Oberrhein whnt, oldeicht keine Wärmepumpe und keine Sitzheizung. We do not need a specific element in the aufgenommen configuration. Danach ist der Skoda costs 4,000 euros. For Kia, you benefit from the most important rental guarantee.

Under the Strich

Kia EV3 Long Range or Skoda Elroq 85, which is the Bessere? Bei den elektrospezifischen Eigenschaften Reichweite, Reichweite-Nachladen und Verbrauch liegen die Modelle sehr eng beieinander. The Kia does not yet have a 4,000 euro configuration, but it already has a good volume of 300 liters for 700 euros – but it cannot put a 400 liter box (more than 400 liters for 700 euros) ausgleichen kann . Bei Skoda separates man a second time in Sprint and fährt 10 km/h schneller, aber darauf würden wir pfeifen.

For the Kia, the warranty is important and the price is less than 4,000 euros, which means that the vehicle has a longer parking time. So we’ll both be with the EV3. Aber das Rennen ist so fr, dass man die Daten auch vergesen and “weiche” Faktoren entscheiden lassen kann: Optik innen and außen, Farbauswahl, Bedienung, Fahrgefühl, Sitzkomfort und dergleichen. More details on the theme Sie wie erwähnt in unserem Elroq-Test ab 9. December.