
iPhone purchase: You therefore have the possibility of having another Apple service for exchange or purchase in store

iPhone purchase: You therefore have the possibility of having another Apple service for exchange or purchase in store

If a new iPhone is purchased, you may have other options at Apple for a trade-in program, such as a platform like Swappie, Refurbished, or other return alternatives on the market, to reduce the price of purchases. You are personally in contact with a friend or family friend. So or so: All these articles are better, as well as in a Schublade Vergammeln zu Lassen.

Egal über welchen Weg ihr es weiterreicht, solltet ihr sicherstellen, dass das Gerät für eine:n neue:n Besitzer:in bereit ist. Hierbei sind ein paar Schritte zu beachten, die aber weder Raketenwissenschaft noch Hexenwerk sind. I offer you personal information and functions such as “My iPhone like this” and another. So it’s okay.

Vocabulary: Before your old iPhone is fully configured and tuned, it’s like your new iPhone is fully equipped. There are also banking and 2FA apps (like Googles Authenticator or Ähnliche), as well as Passwortmanager, Messenger and eSIM.

1. Backup Tools

When backups are automatically found, they are available to the server to enable automatic backup of iPhones. So please, all contacts, photos and other dates from Europe with iCloud sync are also connected to sync with new users, even if they are already logged in.

And this is the first time you have an iCloud backup. Please note that this is not the case for Cloudspeicher zur Verfügung steht. (Screenshots: t3n)

  • Öffnet die “Einstellungen”.
  • Tippt auf euren Namen.
  • Then on iCloud
  • Here is our tip for iCloud backup.
  • Nun wählt: “Backup jetzt erstellen”

2. On iCloud and our deleted Apple services

No, it’s up to you to iCloud ab.

  • Öffnet “Einstellungen”
  • Tips for European Names
  • I would like to use one and wählt “Abmelden”
  • Abschließend must have your Apple-ID-Kennwort created, also on iCloud, the App-Store and “What is this?” abzumelden. It is not possible to find it during iCloud automatic deletion.

3. Apple Watch? Entkoppeln!

If you have a favorite Apple-Watch, you need to use it to use another iPhone. You can use the Watch-App.

If an Apple Watch is used, it is not yet available for the iPhone. (Screenshots: t3n)

Öffnet Watch-App on the iPhone
Tippt links oben auf den Button “Alle Uhren”
Then you will find the “Info” (“i”) information on the watch and the “Apple Watch entries” and the control commands.

5. All dates lost

During the security and setup of the European Apple account, it is in the zeitgeist that the iPhone has a factory reset to start, because all the data and operations of your iPhone are carried out.

Please note: The iPhone must also include the Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt werden. (Screenshots: t3n)

  • Öffnet and letztes Mal “Einstellungen”
  • Tippt auf “Allgemein”
  • Yesterday on “iPhone übertragen or zurücksetzen. »
  • Wählt nonn “Alle Inhalte et Einstellungen löschen” and gives you an access code and drops the Apple-ID-Kennwort at a given time to get the best dates.

This is why the iPhone is quick to connect to your phone. Now you need to have a built-in SIM card and use a SIM tool.

If you use an eSIM, you will likely be able to do this with new business users. This function in Germany is available from Deutschen Telekom and Vodafone. For other networks or apps – like O2 – you need to have a new eSIM for new businesses through the online platform.

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