
Wahnsinn! The big Wolfgang-Petry party arrives in Leipzig

Wahnsinn! The big Wolfgang-Petry party arrives in Leipzig

“Wahnsinn!” – Die Show 2025″ – there are none of the hits of Menge Wolfgang Petry, which has an overview of the current news, unforgettable moments and personal anecdotes of Wolfgang Petrys Karriere aufleben last.

Die Show is the music and Original songs der Schlagerikone in den Mittelpunkt and feiert all seine größten Hits like Verlieben, verloren, vergesen, verzeihen, Der Himmel brennt et natürlich auch Wahnsinn.

Das lieben die Fans an der Show – den Stil eines echten Konzerterlebnisses. A Muss and the perfect Weihnachtsgeschenk for all Wolfgang-Petry fans!

It’s “Wahnsinn – Die Show 2025”

Zeitlich knüpft die Produktion an the legendary Abschlusskonzert von Wolfgang Petrys umjubelter “Einfach Geil” tour during the year 1999 and a catalog of video material for video material in this period of sunlight in the context of life of the 20th day: Only one of these energies is broadcast, once all the hits arrive, and it There’s even a little piece.

Das Publikum wird mit vielen Sing-A-Long-Elementen active eingebunden et un riesige Leinwand vermittelt all die great emotions and pure joy of livingDie Wolfgang Petry immer ausgestrahlt hat. The big band strives to achieve perfect sound, professional musicians have an original soloist group and have an interesting performance for them. The Vermächtnis of Wolfgang Petry gebührend feiert.

Schlagerfans aufgepasst! This show will not concern you!

Jetzt tickets for “Wahnsinn – the 2025 show” in Leipzig in complete safety!

  • 22. January 2025
  • Start 8 p.m. QUARTERBACK Immobilien Arena Leipzig

The show “Wahnsinn” was written by Ehren de Wolfgang Petrys 70. Geburtstag konzipiert. The musical legends don’t have much time performing live yet, but fans also thought about the next best thing, with their hits on this show last night. Knapp 100,000 tickets purchased during the first Tourneen 2022/2023 tournament for you.

Auch im TV ist “Wahnsinn” of Wahnsinn

Bekannt ist Wahnsinn! – Die Show as big Petry-Party go Zeiten also alongside the television: by Florian Silbereisens Schlagerbooom, the big Schlagerjubiläum or other mega-events like the Night of the Months or the big Sun Festival – in all these formats the Wahnsinn-Crew with their Soloists, Band and Tänzern den Zuschauern is so rich one.