
Electronic guitar remixes and samples: Elektron Digitakt mit der Gitarre

Electronic guitar remixes and samples: Elektron Digitakt mit der Gitarre

Guitar Sampling with Electronic Workflow

1. December 2024

The electronic Digitakt is a reliable sampler and large 8-stimulus digital drum computer. For guitarists, the Drum-Computer is an ideal Groovebox, a Backingtracks to program. Thanks to the flexible electronic workflow and simple method, you will be able to download samples or improve them, passing through the genre quickly.

Today I have the sampling possibilities of the Digitakts which allow you to create guitar pieces, an art of schmackhaft zu machen guitar musicians and one yourself only one of the new auszuprobieren sampling options.

Guitar samples with electronic Digitakt

Samples with Looper or Groovebox – what do you think about understanding?

Normalerweise nehme ich meine Gitarren-Parts mit Loopern auf. Here you can see more Overdubs or more Spuren aufgenommen werden. Das Ergebnis kennt mittlerweile fast jeder Guitarrist. With a Looper, creating parts or writing songs is child’s play.

With the Digitakt Elektron and the Sampler, I can take another trip. A single Looper allows you to obtain samples with repeats and octaviers. But Soundfiles can be used and used for a Looper without any problems.

Sampler or Looper? Was it still the Unterschiede?

Here also the Elektron Digitakt ins Spiel. It was for my first Groovebox and a bigger fan of these Drum-Samplers that I started to help myself – I read the detailed description of the Taster, but that’s another post.

For my guitar sampling workshop with digital electronics, I don’t have the first version of these samplers. Natural function is good thanks to active Digitakt II. Because the guitar and the Mono-Spur are easier to use, they are in the same frame of mind, which allows the man to get going.

The sample with the Digitakt step by step

For sound sampling, I walk my guitar directly with a connecting cable to the Groovebox input. Surely you can use amp emulation or other special effects, but I can give you the amazing aufnehmen guitar sound.

With the Kick, Snare and HiHat programs I create a rudimentary rhythm, mirror it like the Klickersatz and it was inspired by a simple Klick. Alternatively, the Digitakt is naturally available with just one click.

By taster analysis with the mix of sample symbols found in the sample menu. While I’m here for the good Eingang, and I have the Angeschlossen Guitar. I enable monitoring with the samples, so I can make sure the guitar can listen to it. I then, welchen Part ich aufnehmen möchte, stelle ich die Länge der Steps ein. It is these back and forths that have not been noticed, when the Gitarrenspur has a better length it is possible to do it in an exact 64-Step-Pattern loop.

Mit dem Elektron Digitakt wird die Bearbeitung von Gitarren-Samples zum Kinderspiel

Möchte man das Sample aber zerschneiden und Bearbeiten, ist das Einstellen einer konkreten Länge nicht zwingend notwendig. The Threshold is exactly what I do, because Singlecoil pickups are not used so far.

Nun I’m starting the trail and I’m going to die with the Yes-Taste scarf. When I start, the games automatically start the process and end at the ingestellten step length.
For my example, I had a separate guitar loop, which also had a chord and a pair of better sounds. Diesen möchte ich ließend Bearbeiten.

Nach erfolgreicher Aufnahme speichere ich das Sample et ordne est dem Track 8 zu. Please note that the sample is also on Track 6. You can also use the following Bearbeiten.

Guitar Sampling with the Groovebox

Cutting and triggering conditions

Then I have the rhythm now and I used the kick, snare and hi-hat sounds, with me, with my guitar sample. I had to use a geloopten sample in some form of sync, because I used the filter to program a bass sound.

One-Shot Mode

I am the first Klangbeispiel where the Guitarrren-Loop is completely complete. I also have the Sampling and One-Shot mode ausgewählt. If the direct sound of the guitar is better, it has better filters that are played and naturally (as is the case with the DelayDude) a delay and reverb are used. Das klingt schon mal ganz gut, before having started the Spas des Digitakts ja erst.

I have to use One-Shot mode so the guitar sample isn’t used effectively. Mit jedem gespielten Trigger wird the Sample erneut gestartet. I’m also flat in One-Shot mode and pattern trigger modes. Pro Trigger also offers you analysis, start and end point of sample parts and tone.

My variety is Tonhöhe zwischen der höheren et tieferen Oktave. So if you want, it’s bad and was Abwechslung in das bekannte Sample.

Das Elektron Digitakt and die Gitarre – a perfect team for creative songwriting

Wer das Ganze etwas vereinfachen möchte, wechselt in den Slice-Modus. Here you can use the slice length pots and the grid to create a support. I don’t have my Trigger programmed like Achtel. When you are in record mode in the menu on the SRC page and on the Yes-Taster test you can open a menu. Here you can generate linear locks to create a sample from vertigos. There are practical examples of Time-Stretching and real tools.

With Random Locks, you can use Sample Slices on the Trigger jewel. You can then use the single trigger to initiate individual casts or initiate recall drills. And we also have a very interesting guitar sample, a new arrangement.

When you read 2 words of the voice, they are the ones you know. With a panning effect for the LFO, the panorama adjustment mode is generated, with the Klang even more räumlicher and abwechslungsreicher.

Repitch-Modus of the Elektron Digitakt

I’m looking for an example close to me with Repitch Gearbeitet mode. The first sample has been sent. It seems to me that I have the LFO modulated by the Repitch start point. With langsamen modulation and sinus vibration, I have to give you that chorus effect.

When using random modulation, you can achieve a similarly distorted vinyl effect. Auf zusätzlichen Spur allowed me to create a Sound-Schnipsel of the Guitar-Samples hinzugefügt. These will be zufällig getriggert.

Guitar Sampling with Digitakt Electronics

Slice mode

With Slice mode, I’m in a preview anywhere. This evil allowed me to have an LFO with a sample adjustment setting in a 12 o’clock setting. Das Sample will also be used with each activated trigger. Twice the LFO triggers in the random mode of the playback mode, but the feedback effect is activated.

The Trigger jewel must be in the Slices pattern included in the network. Das klingt dann so wie in diesem beispiel.

Sampling with Warb mode

Zuletzt bleibt noch the Warb-Modus des Samplings. Here is the sample in segment size, summary mode and implied bar analysis. You can in this mode have only one set of triggers and simulation sets. In the closest example, I was able to learn each time a trigger to fire and experiment with the settings.

In this example of the Warb-Modus I had the opportunity to have more trigger reminders, so that only one trigger is used and this manual to trigger the trigger using the gearbox and of the suction setting. When this trigger is used for the drop generator just before and to play longer, the pattern is different from the larger one.

All examples were created with a single programmed guitar sample. It is very long, as we understood and we discovered different original models at hand. I kleiner die Fragmente, umso interesting wird der neu erzeugte Part. This is a true inspiration in digital electronics. And with trigger conditions and trigger locks, you can single-step individual patterns.

Man könnte the Delay or den Reverb auch nur auf einzelne Steps legen ou un paar Trigger mit dem Filter ausdünnen ou dunkler klingen lassen. Auch das Verteilen im Stereo-Panorama offers a Lebendigian effect. Die so erzeugten Tracks lassen sich wieder resampeln. Then you can see the Track game play out in a fun way and with Overdrive. This is how we indicate this letzten Beispiel game.