
What about Free-TV: What is the Finanztrick der “Sportsschau” gone?

What about Free-TV: What is the Finanztrick der “Sportsschau” gone?

In the last two hours of the TV auction for the Football Bundesliga, it is the Sports Foundation. The ARD classic has fallen, when another free TV transmitter is more likely to be the official and legitimate sender. While a pay TV transmitter addresses Klausel, which is the Deutsche Fußball Liga in connection with the implementation of most matches in the 2025/2026 season.

The package I mit den Zusammenfassungen der Erstliga-Spiele am Samstagnachmittag comes in two variants. These Heißen Kompakt and Classic. Highlights of the classics will be broadcast free of charge from 6 p.m. – analogue for “Sportsschau” time. The package will be ready for the first time at 7:15 p.m. an hour later. The comprehensive model with free TV services allows the interests of free TV transmitters to engage.

Pay-Anbieter könnten „Sportschau“-Aus erreichen

The details of the Ausschreibung beim Compakt-Modell: Pay-Anbieter können indirect das Aus der “Sportschau” subsidiaires. The tip: send the transmitter of the free TV package from 7:15 p.m. until it is not possible to get a paid payment – but you can get a refund.

Theoretical example: A Sky or DAZN transmitter wins 40 million euros, while the Queen wins a prize of 30 million free TV channels for the DFL with an investment of 70 million added. Sehr wahrscheinlich erscheint das nicht. Möglich ist es aber.

Optimal DFL guarantee

The DFL will die ARD with the Kompakt model under Druck Setzen. Geschäftsführer Steffen Merkel takes care of all board aufkommenden Diskussionen within the sports class of the ARD, because it is “for your partner and for your format a better guarantee can be given”. Das liege am “Wesen der Ausschreibung”.

The Bundeskartellamt has Variant I Kompakt genehmigt. If you follow the Pay-Anbietern, „durch Aufschläge auf das eigene Angebot ihre Wettbewerblichen Präferenzen hinsichtlich der Ausgestaltung der Highlight-Berichterstattung zum Ausdruck zu Bringen“. Anders formulated: The guarantee of the right to remuneration for the Samstag is possible.

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The ARD is the information from the German press agent on the variant you are interested in, depending on which classic you need. This will be the “Sportschau” in the bisherigen erhalten form. A Kurz version from 7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. An hour for the first time there is no intrusion, he is on public transport. (dpa)