
With its own Christmas channel: Sky and Wow läuten die Weihnachtszeit ein

With its own Christmas channel: Sky and Wow läuten die Weihnachtszeit ein

With own Christmas chain
Sky and Wow appear as Weihnachtszeit

Dürfen an keinem Kinoabend zu Weihnachten fehlen: “Tatsächlich…Liebe” and “Der Grinch”.

© 2000 Universal Studios. All rights reserved. / 2003 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

Wer sich schon jetzt en Weihnachtsstimmung bringen will, bekommt via Sky et Wow die Gelegenheit. Sogar dank Hauseigenem Christmas Channel.

On December 24, 2020, our children will be in Germany – we will not be there yet. For the timely and rapid installation across the board and especially in the weekly events of Sky and the premium streaming service Wow, from the start of December. Welche Weihnachtsklassiker stehen ab jetzt zur Verfügung und welches Geschenk darf ausnahmsweise le 16 december ausgepackt werden?

Viele Kultfilme et manch Klassiker in spe

This is the film, but it doesn’t last long. Auch bei Sky und Wow sorgt this Jahr etwa wieder der Episodenfilm “Tatsächlich… Liebe” (2003) by Richard Curtis, 68, with a well-known ensemble cast to warm people up. Spätestens, wenn Schauspieler Andrew Lincoln, 51, has his own Schilder auspackt…

In Dieselbe Romantik-Kerbe, “Liebe braucht keine Ferien” (2006), in der anderem Jude Law, 51, and Cameron Diaz, 52, zum Schmachten einladen. And also Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger, 55 years old) Suche nach der großen Liebe began for the vielen Jahren zu Weihnachten. Neben dem Auftakt “Schokolade zum Frühstück” (2001) is also the strong setzung “Am Rande des Wahnsinns” (2004) zu sehen.

New films, which take place during a good journey, are classic films for the cinema, and fall on an enthalten Angebot. Allen saw 2023’s “Wonka” and 28-year-old Timothée Chalamet, the lead in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005). During the year 2021, the “Last Train to Christmas” was launched, in the country of “Twilight” star Michael Sheen, 55, a country little known in the news. Aus demselben Jahr stammt “A Christmas Number One”, a German star has two titles: Darin is the talented Helena Zengel (16, “Systemsprenger”) who was so young in a young day a name in Hollywood who finds herself.

Weihnachtliche genre mixtures

When the man is in a heritage protection company with Klamauk abschmeckt, there is a “chöne bescherung” with 81-year-old Chevy Chase in an everyday theft end. The 1989 film can already be interpreted as a film about “Buddy – Der Weihnachtself” (2003) with the 57-year-old Will Farrell or, which falls behind the humor of the 69-year-old Billy Bob Thornton, as “Bad Santa 2” ( 2016).

Ben Affleck, 52, is with twice a cinema film vertreten. In “Wie überleben wir Weihnachten?” (2004) plays a millionaire, der sich zum Fest der Liebe mal eben a Familie mietet. And in “Wild Christmas” (2000), I came across 49-year-old Charlize Theron in a romantic thriller that has nothing to do with him. Ohne Affleck, for example, with a man inside 74-year-old Bill Murray, read “The Geister, I am dead…” (1988) from the old white paper by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) with some horror elements.

Golden Daher: Bei den beiden letztgenannten Filmen sollten die Kleinen besser wetig unterhalten werden – etwa mit “Das Wunder in der 8. Straße” (1987), un charmen Mischung aus Science-Fiction, Comedy and Drama. Zwar handelt der Film nicht direkt von Weihnachten, erschien jedoch vor fast 40 Jahren zur Weihnachtszeit im Kino et golden be like Klassiker. As well as “The Grinch” (2000), “Jack Frost” (1998) or “The Miracle of Manhattan” (1994) are perfect for the general family.

For customers: the Christmas channel

Auch an die Menschen, die sich nur schwer entscheiden können, wurde gedacht. On December 16, the linear Sky Cinema Christmas Channel began, during which today’s Christmas movie was broadcast. Hier sind auch die ersten beiden “Kevin – Allein zu Haus”-Streifen (1990, 1992) enthalten.

What Weihnachtsfan? Big problem!

Now you can see the Weihnachtsmuffel and Ebenezer Scrooges, for the Christmas-Rummel big Humbug ist. For them to have three new offerings that span a Christmas period, the world premiere of Sky and Wow Heimkino will take place and so there will be no Christmas at that time.

On December 20, there will be a preview of the horror film “A Quiet Place: Tag Eins” (2024) which will be the first horror film of 2018. The first holiday (December 25) gave birth to Ryan Gosling, 44, as stuntman Colt Seavers in “The Fall Guy” (2024) in clear situations. And a tag from Denzel Washington, 69, in “Final Chapter” (2023) writes Mal as the Mann-Armee brachial “The Equalizer” for the armed forces.
