
Gabriel Clemens in Darts-Interview: “Bei Littler cann es aussi in die andere Richtung gehen”

Gabriel Clemens in Darts-Interview: “Bei Littler cann es aussi in die andere Richtung gehen”

The German player is a member of Darts-WM, as Gabriel Clemens. The 2023 semi-finalist arrived in London’s Neuauflage hinterland in season one, shooting star Luke Littler and his German college.

A big party in the PDC: Gabriel Clemens.

Herr Clemens, Die WM is a bad time for Turkey. Who is your Gefühl vor dem Grossereignis?

Genauso wie immer. Klar ist es the big Turnier, but not also, was not me yet. Bislang ist alles ganz entspannt.

As the players play, they are first in the 2. Runde has run, but Gegner is in the Netherlands, Niels Zonneveld and Robert Owen in Wales. What if it was erfahrungswerte?

Gegen Zonneveld let me know that Fall was already played, Gegen Robert Owen told me he wasn’t sure. But he is also a good player who is present on the Pro Tour. Beide plays at normal Tempo – es gibt also nichts, auf was man sich einstellen müsste.

While he was close, world manager Dave Chisnall realized that he was in contact with WM ausgeschieden. During these years, you will have had only one gewonnen and only one verloren. How do you expect there to be one?

Chisnall is a top of the line, who must have used a label on me one day. But I’m interested in what hasn’t happened so far, but first I had to win the game of chance.

When the WM-Nierland Gegen Chisnall sent you yourself and sent you via Instagram, you will have understood it in a new month. What do you think of your lessons?

I’m glad, it’s not such a schlecht war game, but ergebnistechnisch durchwachsen. I realized that the games are not that old.

Hat die Constance gefehlt?

Das kann schon sein. I’m sure I have good games, I’ve seen them. Die Auslosungen waren auch nicht so sur mon page. I often take part in the first Top 16 racing game, which takes place on the European circuit. Aber das gehört dazu.

I have a high view on the war against WM-Turnier 2023. I am in the final of the final with Gerwyn Price, who published the public message and did it with games of cinema hours. Das brachte Sie aber auch nicht aus der Ruhe.

Legendary Game: Gabriel Clemens vs. Gerwyn Price with headphones.
Getty Images

I have natural men who don’t interest me. I war gut im Spiel and I rightly said: “Mach du, was du willst, et ich mach meins.”

Are you not irritated?

Doch, im ersten Moment natürlich schon. After I was in the training room, it was with the warm Kopfhörern hat. Ganz überraschend kam es deswegen nicht.

In the final phase of WM, world master Michael Smith is one of the world masters. Was Gabriel Clemens welcomed by him for two years?

I don’t play at all like I used to two years ago, but I don’t really have any problems. I haven’t seen it yet.

Isn’t it material?

The darts look very good, depending on the length of the arrow, and the boards we are looking for. I’m still ready to train this time to sit in years.

The new star of the scene is teenager Luke Littler. How did you come up with your idea?

With me, I have nothing to do with you. I have to make sure that they are received well and they are ready to use them, but they are not yet used in their use. This is a more powerful and cooler player, which proves to be successful. Das sieht man ja also bei seinen Partien.

Can you find a new Phil Taylor?

Das wird man sehen, es kann aber auch schlagartig in die andere Richtung gehen – he ist eben noch sehr young. Also today is another good player, who also has a mitreden Wörtchen. And this is not the case for Luke Littler, who has all gewonnenen hat in the Letzten Zeit.

Wer sind neben Littler Ihre Titel-Favoriten?

Das sind jedes Jahr eigentlich die selben. Van Gerwen, Humphries – also Price must be auf der Rechnung haben, also wenn er kein gutes Jahr hatte.

First at a WM sind sechs Deutsche dabei. The best chance to act from the German number is Martin Schindler eingeräumt.

Hats off to Martin today, 2 titles on the European Darts Tour won. Von den Erfolgen her war er sicherlich der Formstärkste.

If we don’t know what to do, we will see people reacting to their actions.

Gabriel Clemens compared to Ally Pally

Mit Kai Gotthardt and Niko Springer made their German premiere with Ally Pally. Have you ever reached out to your person and had any advice for you?

I know you, clearly. But it’s not so instinctive that I’m about to hear you rudely. La page nach Tipps kommt immer mal wieder, mais im Endeffekt muss jeder sein Ding machen. I note to you: Spaß haben, gerade beim ersten Mal im Ally Pally. Allerdings weiß man niegenau, wie ein Mensch auf die Kulisse reactiert.

If you do, you can also play in the final half of the season, which means that the club 1. FC Saarbrücken is in charge of the Gangenen Saison in the DFB-Pokal. Warren Sie near the party and what is wrong with the Stadion?

Even in my last game, we also see the story of FC Bayern. I went to England to the hotel. But I’m here, when I’m in time. Then you will be able to find the final result.

Interview: Christoph Laskowski