
Have the Fida regulations for Open Finance been applied?

Have the Fida regulations for Open Finance been applied?

The trauma of Open Finance is due to the European regulation Fida (regulation on access to financial data) by a new Schub, the German government will be present, as well as the Payments Directive 2 (PSD2), at the interior of the country. letzten Jahren zu erleben war.

Was bisher geschah

Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts war die digitale Technik soweit, große Datenmengen über Schnittstellen zentral zu verarbeiten. Findige Fintechs is interested in the first digital services, for everyone in Bereich-Multi-Banking. The European Union regulated this implementation through PSD2, in 2018, as part of the German distribution service. PSD2 is at the heart of digital services for your customers at the latest bank accounts. Im Gegenzug mussten sich cese Fintechs bei der Bafin as sogenannte Kontoinformation- und/oder Zahlungsauslösedienste registrieren beziehungsweise un Erlaubnis beantragen et sich dadurch im Rahmen ihrer Datenverarbeitung et IT-Governance strengthen regulation.

In mind, Fintechs must have their organization and their management model including new job offers. So you don’t have to worry about the best rules of the Bank industry.

Multi-bank data according to PSD2 is available for leading customers, as well as for account, account analysis, general analysis and monitoring of operations and knowledge falls or details for liquidation accounts or a liquidation site. gesamthaften Vermögensreportings.

Banks have new management in greater Switzerland and new regulated Fintechs. Für Banken war zunächst wenig zu gewinnen. Die PSD2-Umsetzung verursachte Kosten; More profitable monetary models created by Fintechs. The motivation applies to the bank’s data for the management of gestures in its quality which is often not applied to technical offers. Dies ist heute immer noch zu spüren. Bafin is first ready to use monitoring tools and banks to send, with the instructions, technical knowledge from PSD2 will be applied later.

Im Großen et Ganzen is the PSD2 which is one of the first things to do. Der nur auf Cash-Konten (Zahlungskontodaten) begrenzte Regelungsumfang ließ jedoch schnell die Forderung nach einer Ausweitung dieses Konzepts auf andere Finanzdaten (Kreditkarten, Wertpapierdepots, Versicherungen, Investmentprodukte et weitere) laut werden. Auch Schnittstellentechnik und die umständliche Handhabung der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung müssen aus Marktsicht nutzerfreundlicher werden.

Die Fida – Regulation on access to financial data

This regulation is not only in the form of law for Turkey, but it is also a consequence. The EU-Verordnung über den Zugang zu Finanzdaten (Fida) is now available, the Zugang zu and the Nutzung von Kundendaten im Finanzsektor zu verbessern. It is an innovative company, business, security and company in the Schaffen financial sector, business economy and business.

This is the body of financial institutes, which also deals with companies, which control their own financial dates and who themselves realized this, as well as those people who created them. It will therefore be necessary to rely on the regulation of cruise dates, on innovation in the financial sector and on financial services to get started. Another person is the management of financial sector companies: financial services must be better placed at the level of individual establishments of financial sector companies. It is clear that Fida will work to ensure the integration of financial sectors into the larger EU data strategy, so that sectoral data is taken into account.

The Open-Banking-Konzept does not allow the consolidation of credit data as well as a new financing date. Dazu gehören Informationen zu Hypothekarkreditverträgen, Darlehen et Konten, einschließlich Salden, Konditionen et Transaktionen. The sole date of your investment, investment in financial instruments, financial products, crypto assets, real estate and other financial assets will be transferred to you. However, there are other possible changes to the system and Paneuropäischen Private Pensionsprodukten sowie Daten zu Nichtlebensversicherungen (mit Ausnahme von Krankenversicherungen) sind Teil des erweiterten Zugriffs. These are probably dates for investor credit checks, and in the credit rules or warrant checks, with special attention – I have natural person credit check dates.

Naheliegend bezieht die Fida nunmehr neben Benben Banken auch Wertpapierdienstleistungstiute, Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften, Versicherer and sogenannte Finanzinformationdienstleister in den Katalog der Verpflichteten ein.


Chance of Inführung

The Fida-Verordnung created financial institutes and new markets like Fintech companies zahlreiche Chancen. Through the different stages of financing dates, you will find innovative and personalized products, as well as distribution services, which will be better adapted to the individual needs of customers abgestimmt sind.

It is possible that this is an authentic way: it is possible to use ChatGPT and other KI answers for all information on the Internet regarding texts, presentations, analyzes etc. Hiervon sind heute jedoch alle geschützten Daten, wie eben Finanzdaten, aber auch Daten aus dem Gesundheitswesen, ausgeschlossen. A place where this private data is naturally available for increased efficiency and profitability here.

Darüber hinaus fördert die gemeinsame Nutzung von Daten effizientere Prozesse im Finanzsektor, bei pielsweise bei der Kreditvergabe ou der Anlageberatung. Fintech and start-up professionals strive to achieve profitability, through new business creation and new market creation.

These are the details of the information and/or information provided by the registered Fintech companies. Denn sie verfügen bereits über die Regulatorisch notwendige Organization et technische Infrastruktur. So that you can find the most efficient way, Open Banking is more efficient. Spannend wird sein, welche noch neueren Unternehmen die neuen Chancen wahrnehmen werden.


The trauma of Open Finance will also happen with Fida so far. For true global data aggregation, this European regulation is not created. Sieht man die Bedürfnisse deutscher Privatpersonen, Unternehmen and Unternehmer, müssen schon schon schon schon schon schon schon schon schon schon schon längst vergleichbare Datenströme auf globaler Ebene, like the United States, the Ländern of Asia, Africa and South America South and Europe liegende, but not (anymore) in the States of the EU like Switzerland and Swiss Großbritannien, möglich sein.

Lichter sind also hier in Sicht: Die Schweizer Börse baut gerade mit ihrer Plattform„ bLink “ privatrechtlich aine der PSD2 ähnliche Schnittstellenstruktur auf, die Hoffnung auf einen vergleichbar guten Datenaustausch macht. The state angels work with banking structures as well as software from Auslese. If you have any questions about the infrastructure and technology, you will be able to use it for several years.

International standards are applied so that digital technology is integrated into the brightest elements in all games. And we will introduce you to more “True Open Finance”.

About the authors:

Nicolas Ziegert ist Gründer der Gesellschaft Ownly Fintech.

Christian Conréder is partner and Praxisgruppenleiter Banking und Finance bei der Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Rödl & Partner.