
Stefanie Giesinger participates in the “No Pants”-Look for the Woman of the Year Award in Berlin – see the Strumpfhose-als-Hose-Outfit here

Stefanie Giesinger participates in the “No Pants”-Look for the Woman of the Year Award in Berlin – see the Strumpfhose-als-Hose-Outfit here

Stefanie Giesinger participates in the “No Pants”-Look for the Woman of the Year Award in Berlin

Do you want to be immersed in a garment on the red carpet indoors? Keineswegs! Stephanie Giesinger Beweist, this man also bei glamorous Anlässen öfter mal von der “conventional Norm” abweichen sollte et erscheint beim GLAMOR Women of the Year Award, awarded in Berlin by Dyson ausgerichtet wurde, im No-Pants-Look.

Stefanie Giesinger: So schön ist ihr Strumpfhose-als-Hose-Outfit beim Women of the Year Award in Berlin

Damit beweist the Model nicht nur den den Mut zum persönliche Stil, sondern aussi, wie glamourös the kontroverse “Unten ohne” -Fashion-Trend kann. For the women’s empowerment event in Berlin, Stefanie Giesinger found herself in a special look from Levi’s – on January 28, the active brand robot of denim labels – chose an extra blazer for artist Dustin Hanke and also the current XL-Straight-Jeans are suitable. With an extremely tailored blazer, her pants with snaps, Stefanie Giesinger combines a white hem with extra-breiten sleeves and pants, falls from Levi’s, and pants, and lightweight pants.

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for GLAMOR Germany

The atmosphere of the looks? Clean, avant-garde and cool – with great elegance, for all your long trips with Old-Hollywood-Waves with several selected Seitenscheitel and classic Pumps. All in all: a unique style balancing act, a brilliant look!

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for GLAMOR Germany

Stefanie Giesinger: Das macht ihren auftritt beim GLAMOR Women of the Year Award so authentic

Stefanie Giesinger received her award as “Trailblazer” in recent months. Even today, you will be up to date with life – as Harriet Herbig-Matten’s laureate in the “Rising Actress” category. And fans of their showbusiness school rührende worte voller “Women embracing Women”-Power – to get the GLAMOR Women of the Year Award.