
“One light”? UFL offers “Fair to Play” and Pay-to-Win

“One light”? UFL offers “Fair to Play” and Pay-to-Win

November 28 will be the full version of the UFL for games. It is possible that every day you will have to take tests on the football simulation. What do fans of the Entwickler Seine believe?

Hand in hand: Strikerz Inc. has a community response auf die Fahne Geschrieben.
Strikerz Inc.

Big product stories, like Strikerz Inc. at Gamescom 2021, announced the first hardware for the UFL era. A new product on the football simulation market? Every year, the EA SPORTS team takes care of old players who like chilly winds.

Three years later, at the beginning of the early access phase of the full version, the Wind must be used by every fan. This is the first critical community encouragement that addresses Strikerz Inc.’s company motto, which is: “Fair to Play.”

Instructions for both and this mantra are the best products for cash. This is not the case for online game management with optical game management (LP) solutions, and Transfermarkt’s market will also benefit from Ingame game management (CP). Weshalb shares community with Pay-to-Win-Problem.

This “Fair to Play”, for our approach and for what the gelegenheit ins Gesicht gehalten wurde, is a spirit.

Reddit user “Tworaf216” on Ingame-Käufe in UFL

“This ‘Fair to Play,’ one of our projects and the other in the real world, is a spirit,” user “Tworaf216” phrased in the games’ official Reddit subreddit, which is like follows: “The game is a design for a player hinsichtlich CP immer knapp bei Kasse zu halten. Man hat immer genug Renommee, um sein Team zu verbessern, aber nie genug CP, um es zu tun.”

Renommee entscheidet in UFL darüber, Welche Profis die Spieler auf dem Transfermarkt erwerben et einsetzen können. It works even with a Salary Cap: Eine Renommée-Obergrenze darf durch die aufaddierten Einzelwerte du virtualn Fußballer nicht überschritten werden.

By Echtgeld-Turbo Schnell zu Topspielern

The story, of the Worten of “Tworaf216” mitschwingt, is clear: Strikerz Inc. versucht seiner Meinung nach, die Spieler durch üppige Renommée-Freiheiten et geringe Verdienstmöglichkeiten zu Echtgeld-Käufen zu verleiten, um sich die Ablösen der Les jeux de own simulation can be listened to.

Please note that the Luft can be loaded. This free software for the best virtual kickers is as easy to use as the gameplay. Between approximately 600,000 and 800,000 CP, the pro part auf Spieler-Konten Wandern, and a total of 100 to 180 million CP for Top-Spieler is der Weg über das Echtgeld-Investment jedoch deutlich schneller.

Also for other Community-Mitglieder passen die Kaufmöglichkeiten so gar nicht zu den Versprechen des Entwicklers. “This game has become the ‘Fair to Play’ market. It’s not. It’s a place,” explains the “prowrestlingrules” of this information and says it’s not the Ingame store you’re interested in . “Eine Menge Spiele sind Free-to-Play und broughten Unsummen ein”, is here and has a direct response to Werbeversprechen für UFL parat: “Fairer als die Mitbewerber”.

Isn’t the UFL “more just like the authorities”?

But is that really the frustration of UFL fans? Today, Strikerz CEO Eugene Nashilov never saw the light of day and no eSports kicker was released in an exclusive interview. Einzig: Vom Erwerb der Transfermarkt-Währung über Booster im Season Pass is not explained in the program. Even if Nashilov was offended, the UFL is sure that the Pay-to-Progress-Weg was described.

So the man in the game has to stop, the Renown system is not so ineffective, as a player is active. Denn um den virtualn Salary Cap nachhaltig auszubauen, muss gespielt werden. Small Boosts also contain many Season Pass items that can easily be used to resolve ranked matches.

Zum Vergleich: Bei Marktführer EA SPORTS können Spieler losgelöst vom Gameplay Echtgeld in Lootboxen mit Spielern investieren. You can go on the path or travel all along this Ausgaben a Top-Mannschaft aufbauen, without a single second auf dem Virtualn Rasen vollbracht zu Haben. This function is not available in the UFL.

It is not the hand of man, the players of the UFL had the spirit of the Echtgeldeinsatz einen zeitlichen Vorteil verschaffen können – Strikerz Inc. was it also grundsätzlich socommunizierte. In the meantime, this is the Community’s largest community, but we can still see what we’re doing. Schließlich hatte sich der Entwickler genau this Transparenz von Beginn an auf die Fahne geschrieben. You can’t do it anymore.