
Jaguar Type 00: The art or the possibility of doing it? -Edison

Jaguar Type 00: The art or the possibility of doing it? -Edison

Miami Pink at British Racing Green, a rose born worldwide in the background of photo studios and the public premiere during an art exhibition at the motor show – Jaguar is new and will be (further) at the forefront among automobile manufacturers. Genau as Damals in the 1960s, as well as the world for the E-Type of the Atem angehalten and itself Konkurrent Enzo Ferrari vom “schönsten Sportwagen aller Zeiten” geschwärmt hat.

If there is another Hersteller in the Kristall there are some other Werte besinnen, wirft Jaguar auf dem Weg in a bessere and natürlich elektrische Zukunft nach Jahren des Wachkomas neben dem Verbrenner aber gleich also noch alle Traditionen über Bord. Klar, Design and Dynamik also strive to make the Kernmarkmale der Marke bleiben and the Idee, and these are new ideas for the machine and all breaking conventions, in their Antrieb bosom. Doch statt Good Old England gibt es künftig Cool Britannia and straight machen wollen sie is also no more.

Rosarote Double Null
Even the Type 00, the work of art within the Kraftfahrzeug and the Weil Avantgarde, will be polarized, making it possible to learn more about the long meter of the second meter, from the Jaguar auf der Art Miami (3 to 8 December) in the future. Photos: Jaguar

Müssen sie also nicht. Denn von der Idee des Volumenherstellers hat sich Markenchef Rawdon Glover genauso verabschiedet wie von sechsstelligen Absatzzahlen and will lieber mit Klasse als mit Masse Kasse machen. Now it’s time to take a closer look, we’ll take care of the production of the Palette when it comes out and it’s not the same for the rest of the sample, it’s just that it’s already out of shape, but it’s still there.

Type 00 for a Wegweiser

And they found themselves past, when they first arrived at the Type 00, the jet to Miami as Markenbotschafter and Wegweiser enthused – themselves when the Auto left in a British blue to see its world. The first new Jaguar with the first E-Pace of 2017 is just a study, and Glover can’t help it get into the series.

Kein Blick more details
Mit Conventionen sera Jaguar brechen, um ein ein junges Publikum en Fernost zu gewinnen. Die Konzeptstudie kommt deshalb ohne Heckscheibe aus. And after the traditional brands, you have to find them in a verkleinerter form.

Doch weil sie her Kunstwerk sein will as Kraftfahrzeug and weil Avantgarde gerne polarisiert, dürften sich an dem more als fünf Meter langen Zweisitzer die Geister scheiden. You will be surprised by a first sneak peek in the Designcenter where Echo is collected and – loudly – ​​formulated. The spontaneous appearance of the damaux during the premiere of the E-Type at the Genfer show does not occur.

Streifengitter statt Kühlergrill

Ja, mit Conventionen und Erwartungen brechen sie dabei ganz sicher. Please note that this is not the case when the Sport car is on display, it is in the Zeiten of the SUV-Schwemme which is unused. And as I ask in the era of manual electric motors of a Haube, the long term genug wäre für einen Zwölfoder gar Sechzehnzylinder, ist fast schon bewundernswert trotzig and a Ausdruck luxurious Opulenz.

Auf dem Sprung
The Leaper is a traditional Jaguar figure that sits in stylized form right down to the spare parts of the control and tower, behind the reversing camera. And the Zeichen von Performance have the Raubkatze ausgedient.

The Jaguar’s electric motor with LED lights and wiring harness and grille are even more powerful, firstly though, the man who has the more visible Jaguar logo and distinctive element – ​​without any “Leaper » has lost it once again. auftaucht. And the spirit seems to be that as the Silhouette is now available in the E-Type magazine, we have the Zierstück zwischen Vorderrad and the watch of the current Range Rover and we learn that the Markengesetz uses the mantra “Copy Nothing” as a marketing phrase.

Interior without digital Budenzauber

Aber zumindest sie ansonsten kosequent mit dem Bruch der Conventionen: Denn wenn die riesigen Türen, natürlich electric, aufschwingen, sieht man statt Lack et Leder überall nur Wolle, Naturstein und patiniertes Messing. And of the Trend of the digital Budenzauber machen die Briten nicht mit: Wo sonst gerne riesige Bildschirme die Konsolen pflastern, verschwinden die Displays bei Jaguar in den Tiefen der Armaturentafel et kommen nur auf Kommando vor. And this digital avatar is a handcrafted artist made of wood, travertine and alabaster, which is placed in a special console and is the vehicle character ready to be solemn.

Lenkrad and Pedale see the Konzeptauto zwar. Answer this question if the installation of Type 00 is carried out in a single location above a käfig vorkommen. Die heute üblichen Largedisplays tuchen erst auf Knopfdruck aus den Tiefen des Raums hervor.

Zwar haben sie mit der Studie und zuvor schon mit der meintlichen Neuerfindung ihrer self-endlich mal wieder gebührend Aufmerksamkeit errregt. After the Schritt was built, and everything was the United Kingdom before the First for his new market strategy, he was struck by the autumn, as beautiful as it was, amazed and often had the opportunity to see the colors grellen, the new scheme and the monogram, like the signature of an artist. Auto prangt, et der je nach Perspective avantgardistische oder verkünstelte Ansatz Kopfschütteln ausgelöst.

Jaguar is on its way to Hauskatze

But I think the network discovered the controversies discussed in the campaign. Zwar hat Elon Musk heftig darüber gelästert (“Do you sell cars?”), well in the publications nie Autos zu sehen waren, doch zu gleich sind die Google-Suchen nach Jaguar in die Höhe geschossen: Keine andere britische Marke wurde so oft im Netz gesucht et keine anderes Rebranding of the letzten jahre hat eine Solche Welle gemacht. One of the members of the Twitter network of “X” made an error in searching for information, calling on experts. It is likely that Mr. Musk is ready to respond.

Umstritten oder nicht: Die Neuerfindung est die wahrscheinlich einzige und ganz sicher letzte Chance, die den Briten noch bleibt. After Jaguar with the i-Pace 2018, it is time to go to the electric Revolution, which is the first time it takes place and when it comes to power, the power is in the back end of the Oberhauses here. New conventions such as the XF or F-Pace are not yet available during the spring.

Erste Auslieferungen erst im Sommer 2026

And so, ganz schnell wird die Dursttrecke auch noch nicht vorbei sein. Now you run a Gaydon jetzt die ersten Prototypen auf Testfahrt. However, the new model will be released, but it will not be canceled until the end of the year and in the Handel it will be ready for 2026.

Streifenanzug mit leichter Wespentaille
The changes to the selected Type F can be found in the overview so far. The Jaguar study offers studies in an artistic design company: the first production model is in a new style with an electric Gran Turismo with four doors.

The product philosophy is diesel and Jaguar will create a Wow effect similar to that of the E-Type. But the specialist sports studios in Miami aim to create an authentic Gran Turismo. Although Jaguar has created a new architecture with 800 volt technology and confirmation date, it is also in 18 months, very tough and at the same time: a fast 800 kilometer race in an overview and a race of more than 300 kilometers in 15 minutes.

And also the Leistung is “satt” geben. Zwar nennt Glover noch keine Zahlen, stellt aber more Kilowatt in Aussicht as bei jedem Jaguar zuvor. “Denn Jaguar stands and falls short of avant-garde design, but also Dynamik,” said the market chief. “And das wird auch in Zukunft so sein: Das neue Modell wird deshalb das stärkste, das wir bis dato gebaut haben.”

Price around 150,000 Euro aufwärts

The current positioning is the new: Jaguar will no longer be available with BMW & Konkurrieren, sondern schielt at Bentley & Co. Statt under 50,000 Euro as with the E-Pace, the price which starts above 150,000 Euro . And now it’s also what we call Aston Martin, Bentley or Maybach which have electric passenger cars, but which are also automobile brands like the Porsche Taycan or the Lucid Air as references for the new Jaguar models .

However, the exclusivity is the same as that of Glover, because an alleine model is not offered to us. Deshalb plant er in schneller Folge mit 2 weiteren Neuheuten. While I can’t find Gran Turismo, I will without knowing it! – the unrivaled SUV or Crossover. And then you can start a Sportwagen.

Free to us, when the Vanguard Plan is drawn up and the Kunden mitziehende. Dannn wäre den Briten tatsächlich ein Kunstgriff gelungen. Ansonsten allerdings gilding for Jaguar, was for all gilded avant-garde installations: Wenn es keine Kunst ist, dann kann es weg.