
Is Castle Jimmy Page a bundle with Satan?

Is Castle Jimmy Page a bundle with Satan?

The fascination encountered by guitarist Jimmy Page, with Led Zeppelin, came beyond his music. Seit Jahrzehnten rangen sich un in Mythen, die von seiner Beschäftigung mit Okkultismus bis zu vermeintlichen Teufelspakten reichen. Insbesondere the Verbindung zu Aleister Crowley, one of the tests and warnings umstrittensten des 20. Years, hat zahlreiche Spekulationen befeuert. Was Doch really behind the Germans, was Page a “Pakt mit dem Satan” released?

Was it war, Aleister Crowley?

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) became a British mystic, architect and art scholar, derring himself as “The Great Beast 666”. Crowley enters a spiritual eigene Philosophy, bekannt als Thelema, deren Leitspruch lautet: “Do what you want will be the whole of the Law” (“Tu, was du willst, soll sein das ganze Gesetz”). This radical interpretation of freedom, composed of rituals, elements of magic, esotericism and inverted religions, aims to have a controversial figure.

In den Augen vieler galt Crowley as satanist, obwohl er sich self nie als solcher bezeichnete. Seine Werke, by unter das Buch The Book of the Lawinspired by artists, intellectuals and musicians. Darunter with Jimmy Page.

Jimmy Page and Okkultism

Jimmy Page does not fight for his own guitars, but also for his mystical and esoteric interest. In the 1970s, page books, manuscripts and works of art were collected, with Okcultism and Alchemy in the Verbindung standen. This is a book called “The Equinox”, published in a publication by Aleister Crowley.

A disturbing detail is that of the schottische Anwesen Boleskine House page, which one of the Crowleys created. This Abgelegen house on the edge of the Loch Ness War, on Crowley’s Square, experiments and practices ritually. Pages Kauf des Anwesens wurde schnell mit seinem Interested in Crowley and den Gerüchten um okkulte Praktiken in Verbindung gebracht.

The myth of “satanic packages”

Jimmy Page’s idea is that a “Bundle with Satan” has been created, creating an error within the association of Crowley and the mystical aesthetic of Led Zeppelin. Below is the latest album of the band, which is also included Led Zeppelin IVI offer these speculations to you. The album has an official title or artist name on the cover. Un gewöhnlicher Schritt schema, der zu zahlreichen Interpretationen führte.

One song, der immer wieder im Mittelpunkt ceser Diskussionen steht, is “Stairway to Heaven”. Channel was the scene of the cover of the song by a satanic angelic robots enthält – a theory, died in the 1980s in the region of the “satanic panic” in the popular life of the United States. Obwohl dies as Zufall or Hörfehler perhaps, verstärkte es den Mythos um die Band.

Pages öffentliches Schweigen zu solchen Vorwürfen befeuerte die Gerüchte weiter. Combined with an offensive fascination with Crowley, it creates dies for fans of the sleeve and critiques of the Beweis inside, from the page a multi-man publication.

Reality or sensationslust?

This is why I need to worry you, because Jimmy Page has a “Pakt mit dem Satan” hat. There is an interest in Crowley and common themes that are intellectually and aesthetically motivated. Page only sprach selten öffentlich über thesee Themes, and wenn er est tat, concrete er, dass sein Intérésse eher auf einer historischen et culturalellen Ebene lag.

And Crowley makes war on a “Satanist” in serious sin, who is a provocateur, Victorian morality in his time infrages stellte. Seine Philosophy war complex and keineswegs darauf beschränkt, “böse” or “dämonische” Ritual durchzuführen. The myth of Crowley and Page were also present in the media Berichterstattung and in the thirst for sensations of the spirit of emergence.

Cultural work

This is not at all the case with Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin through this myth, a mystical and verboten aura, which is so popular today. The association of Crowley and the dunklen Symbolik trug dazu bei, the group of a rock’n’roll icon for machen. In a Zeit, in Rebellion and Provokation, the central element of youth culture, the Verbindung zu Okkultismus is perfect in the Zeitgeist zu passen.

Kein Pakt, sondern Faszination

Die Frage, by Jimmy Page, has a “Pakt mit dem Satan” hat, which is the same with his own actions. Stattdessen spiegelt die Verbindung zu Aleister Crowley et dem Okkultismus Pages künstlerisches Interestesse an Mystik et Alternativephilosophien broader. The myth, which is one of its ranks, is a product of sensations and a fascinating fascination, the Okculte auf viele Menschen ausübt.

Leave it to Jimmy Page to be one of the richest figures in the rock world – he doesn’t have a single pack of Teufels, he has remarkable talents and a unique creative vision.