
Then start the Christmas classic “Last Christmas”

Then start the Christmas classic “Last Christmas”

Vor 40 Jahren erschien “Last Christmas” and wurde zu einem derühmtesten Weihnachtslieder all Zeiten. Bei “Markus Lanz” verriet Wham!-Star Andrew Ridgeley is the same as the one in the song.

A very interesting page is the one you will find below: When old men of song heard the message of the New Year’s time, they found Andrew Ridgeley “Last Christmas” today. The Weihnacht classics can still be found today in one of their Lieblingslieder and are as hot for them as the “Weihnachtsgeld”, said the ehemalige Wham!-Star 2019 schmunzelnd bei “Markus Lanz” zu. On January 40, December 3, 1984, the Pop-Duo appeared, performed by Ridgeley and George Michael, the song “Last Christmas”, which was one of the two best hits of the British premier. Heute ist das Lied ein geliebter et gehasster Weihnachtsklassiker.

Um die Entstehung des Songs Rankten sich jahrelang zahlreiche Mythen. This is therefore an example of George Michael “nur” within the Wunsch of the Plattenfirma reacting, following the performance of “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” which is a book by Weihnachtslied zu veröffentlichen. This means that the text contains some of the compositions of the items with the title “Last Easter” (“Letzte Easter”). We now have the Plattenfirma bestätigten jemals this Version der Geschichte. 2019 was started by Andrew Ridgeley in promoting his own autobiography “Wham! George and Me” by “Markus Lanz”, as “Last Christmas” started a war – it is the war of the Ergebnis a spontaneous Geistesblitz.

George Michael wrote the Weihnacht classic “Last Christmas” inside a study, complete with a long-running football game, directed by Andrew Ridgeley of Wham! as Gast bei “Markus Lanz”. (Image: ZDF)

Andrew Ridgeley: Mir war sofort klar, dass “Last Christmas” a classic is

George had the classic 1984 in a “langweiligen, dunklen, grauen sonntagnachmittag” in the house of the Eltern Geschrieben, where Ridgeley is the ZDF moderator, who has a football game, for him to take care of. “Plötzlich ist George aufgestanden, nach oben verschwunden, and also he is wiederkam, says: ‘Andy, komm hoch, du must dir das anhören!’ “Hey you sleep with a new Keyboard now, and you can see the Grundidee of ‘Last Christmas’ playing, a Wahnsinnsmoment!

There’s also a caption in the video for “Last Christmas,” from author Ridgeley that falls into his own autobiography. Die Arbeit an dem 60,000 Pfund teuere Clip, der in Saas-Fee in der Schweiz gedreht wurde, sei ein großer Spaß gewesen: “Das war eine lustige Zeit mit einigen Eskapaden wie Nacktbaden und Hindernislauf im Schnee – nackt”, so der Ex-Wham !-Star. “Wird not so häufig praktiziert, ist auf jeden Fall kein Wintersport!”

Verdient bis heute mit “Last Christmas” gutes Geld: Wham!-Star Andrew Ridgeley. (Image: John Phillips/Getty Images)

Andrew Ridgeley: Wow! sollten nie erwachsen werden

Dass Ridgeleys Karriere als Popstar trotz weltweiter Erfolge mit Songs wie “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”, “Club Tropicana” y “Last Christmas” nur fünf Jahre dauerte, bedauert er nicht: “Wir verkörperten judgendlichen Optimismus et hatten nie vor, Wham! and the group goes zu lassen”, he said, there is one in “Freundin”-Interview.

Ridgeley was he half sicherlich, waren die immer weiter sprudelnde Einnahmen durch ihren Weihnachtsklassiker. The latest chart technology in recent months will go as planned: On December 24, 2021, the single in Germany arrived at the first Mal Platz on the German Singlecharts, 37 years after the first chart. And also in Great Britain the first time the song made it to the Charttopper: in December 2022, “Last Christmas” was released at the bottom of the British charts, after the song had been recorded “on” the place twice more high. “Twice I’m alone Monat!”, tweeted Ridgeley, “The man who is 36 has a number and can often be like Busse!”.