
Recipe: Sreeja’s Kerala Style Jackfruit Stir Fry

Recipe: Sreeja’s Kerala Style Jackfruit Stir Fry

All photographs: Sreeja S Nair

The jackfruit season has just started in Kerala and it is a special time for all Malayali foodies.

Jackfruit trees flower in Kerala in mid-October and their fruits ripen in January. Tender jackfruits are now available all over Kerala like the one in the photo above taken from our home jackfruit.

It is said that the largest fruit on the trees is the jackfruit. It offers many health benefits due to its rich nutrient and protein content. According to research, says Health LineJackfruit can reduce inflammation because it contains several antioxidants, like vitamin C. It also contains potassium and fiber, which are good for the body.

Above all, jackfruit is also a food without fertilizers or chemicals!

Almost every portion of a ripe jackfruit can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, both raw and fruity. Except for its outer skin of green thorns (which is livestock feed), the rest of the fruit is entirely used to prepare various dishes like chips, jam, cakes, steamed dumplings , curries, stir-fries or pan-fried dishes (only the most tender). , sautéed pits and seeds, etc.

Tender jackfruit is mainly used to prepare a typical dish Kerala Style Jackfruit Stir Fry Or Idichakka Thoran with spices, green chilies and coconut. It is prepared in two phases and the total preparation time for this recipe is only 10 to 15 minutes.

Bird’s eye chilies are preferred for the coconut mixture, but green chilies can also be used, as the former may not be available everywhere.

Idichakka Thoran

Servings: 3-4

Preparing the jackfruit for stir-frying:

  • 1 small fresh and tender jackfruit, half-cooked
  • Water, as needed
  • ¼ tbsp Haldi or turmeric powder
  • 3-4 pearl onions, chopped
  • 1 sprig of fresh curry leaves
  • 1 tablespoon urad dal or whole white gram
  • 1 tablespoon raï or mustard seeds
  • 2 dried red peppers
  • Salt to taste, about 1½ teaspoons
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oil, preferably coconut oil

For the coconut mixture:

  • 1½ cup grated fresh coconut
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 6-7 bird peppers or 2-3 green peppers
  • 2-3 black peppercorns
  • 4-5 fresh curry leaves
  • Pinch Haldi or turmeric powder
  • ¼ tbsp Jeera or cumin seeds


  • Remove the green, spiny skin from the outer pieces of the tender jackfruit.
    Remove the sap completely.
    Cut the whole tender jackfruit into large pieces.
    Remove the core, which is not needed in the stir-fry.
    Cut the pieces into small pieces.
  • In a saucepan or Kadhaiadd ½ tbsp turmeric powder to raw jackfruit and cook it in ½ cup water for 5 minutes on medium heat.
    Please don’t overcook it.
    Dry up any water remaining in the pan.
  • Grate the half-cooked jackfruit into the chutney pot of a blender-grinder.
    Gently grind the pieces for 1-2 seconds of pulse (one pulse after another) to separate the fibers of the jackfruit and not let the jackfruit turn into a paste.
    Keep aside

For the coconut mixture:

  • Grind all the coconut mixture ingredients for 2 to 3 seconds in the chutney jar of a blender.
    Again, don’t pound it into a paste.
    Mix the coconut mixture well with the grated jackfruit.


  • Heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan or Kadhai over medium heat.
    Add the mustard seeds, and once the mustard seeds start to splutter, add the urad dal.
    When the urad dal turns light brown, add chopped onions, dry red chillies and curry leaves.
    Then add the jackfruit-coconut mixture.
    Cook over low heat for up to 6 minutes.
    Stir occasionally.
    Add salt as needed.
  • Check if the jackfruit stir-fry is cooked well, remove from heat and serve with steamed rice.

Sreeja lives in Poovarany, also in Kottayam, near Pala town.