
Crystal Palace captain Marc Guéhi received a sanction after “I Love Jesus” under a Regenbogen-Armbinde hat –

Crystal Palace captain Marc Guéhi received a sanction after “I Love Jesus” under a Regenbogen-Armbinde hat –

Marc Guéhi, a 24-year-old player from Crystal Palace, is a member of the English Football (FA) group in charge, as well as “I Love Jesus” on a Regenbogen-Armbinde hat. Guéhi will be Samstag at Newcastle United University in the Premier League with the captain’s armband.

As part of the Stonewall action, Premier League captain’s armbands were organized by all 20 Premier League teams, and during matches 13 and 14, a campaign was run to support people’s LGBTQ+ rights.

Doch der anglische Nationalspieler, a in hingesvoller Christ, der in der Elfenbeinküste geboren wurde, enschied sich, “I Love Jesus” auf die Armbinde zu schreiben, die ihm geschenkt wurde.

Crystal Palace and Guehi settle with a Geldstrafe in front, regulation A4 of the FA-Regulations verbietet “jede politische oder religiöse Botschaft” on the shoes.

Laut ESPN Enschied sich die FA am Ende, un Auge zuzudrücken et Guéhi et Crystal Palace nur mit einer Rüge gehen zu lassen, par Marc Guéhis Botschaft über ce LGBT-Symbol war laut et deutlich.

The captain of Ipswich Town is still there, the Regenbogen-Armbinde zu tragen

One of the captains of the Premier League, Regenbogen-Armbinde did not use Sam Morsy, a practicing Muslim at Ipswich Town.

Le Tragen der Armbinde war necht obligatorisch, est war jedem Team überlassen, daher wird die FA keine Maßnahmen gegen Mursy ergreifen. After the conflict, the team made a statement, in this sense, it is “a hat, a complete integration agency within it, der alle kommen heißt”.