
Quiz: What about the Swiss “Wörter des Jahres”? -Radio SRF1

Quiz: What about the Swiss “Wörter des Jahres”? -Radio SRF1

Quiz: What about the Swiss “Wörter des Jahres”? – Radio SRF 1 – SRF

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Since 2003, it has been the must of the years in German Switzerland. Do you have all 22 days rich in values? Test yourself in the SRF game!

On December 3, the must for 2024 was released. Zu cesem Anlass frischt ce Quiz Ihr Wissen über die bisherigen Wörter des Jahres auf.

So geht’s: Ordnen Sie alle Wörter des Jahres in die richtige zeitliche Reihenfolge. With a false card, it’s the game until the end and a new start of the race. Old Glück!

Let’s see the card you have to follow and write in the right direction!

“Moût des Jahres”: How Wahl works

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The must of the years has appeared in German Switzerland since 2003. Since 2016, the “Buro Wort des Jahres” has been the best. Since 2017, the Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) das Wort des Jahres has been authorized.

Welche Wörter how to infringe?

Sprachforscherinnen et Sprachforscher des Departments Angewandte Linguistik der ZHAW erstellen un liste mit einigen Dutzend Wortkandidaten. The list of this list first contains the analysis of the body of text “Swiss-AL”, a selection of digital texts with a know-how of a thousand words; two stages at the evaluation level and other preliminary stages of the jury. The jury was awarded the Sprachprofis aus Journalismus, Kunst und Wissenschaft.

Was it the Siegerwörter aus?

The jury will be under the supervision of its long list of three lawyers. Please note that this is the first time that the Wörter Themenwidespiegeln, welche in deutschschweiz im ablaufenden Jahr zu reden gegeben haben. Auch die Wörter selber sollen einen Schweizbezug haben. Dasselbe Prozedere wird parallel to allen Landessprachen mit je eigener Jury durchgeführt.

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Jonas Glatthard (editor), Robert Salzer (Frontend-Entwicklung), Marina Kunz (design)

Note: This game first took place on 11/22/2024 and was released on 12/3/2024 with the new word of years.

Radio SRF 1, Treffpunkt, 22.11.2024, 10:00 a.m.;


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