
Playnvoice: KI-App to help with psychotherapy

Playnvoice: KI-App to help with psychotherapy

New App for mithilfe of KI the Psychotherapy vereinfachen: 80 Prozent weniger administrativer Aufwand

PlaynVoice is a project of the start-up program of the University of Northwestern Switzerland. Mitgründer Dominic Spalinger has spoken, with an application that could revolutionize psychotherapy.

Dominic Spalinger (links) and Samuel Siegfried, CEO of PlaynVoice Start-ups.

Image: zvg

Dominic Spalinger is one of three PlaynVoice ministers. The KI-basierte app transcribes patient instructions and provides documentation. Damit soll im Bereich der mentalen Gesundheit der administrative Aufwand deutlich reduziert werden.

In recent years, ImpactLab launched the startup program for the University of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), PlaynVoice for the best university startup network. Mit seiner App hat sich das Jungunternehmen zum Ziel gesetzt, mittels künstlicher Intelligence den administrativen Aufwand in der Psychotherapie zu reduzieren. PlaynVoice transcribes the patient message, when you find it, and the automated introduction process and mental health monitoring is carried out.

The application is also installed on the smartphone and on the laptop. Unter Zustimmung der Patientinnen und Patienten zeichnet sie in der Psychotherapie das Patientengespräch auf. The software based on broad language models transcribes audio data and is automatically designed for therapy or psychiatrist documentation, authored by Dominic Spalinger. The Firmenmitgründer is located in Gempen aufgewachsen, lives in the Solothurner Weststadt and is located in Zurich.

The App is for the treatment of patients and patients.

Theme: Keystone

“Unser Steckenpferd ist die Übersetzung von schweizerdeutscher Sprache ins Hochdeutsche,” says Spalinger. You can now use the Software to open the Dialekte. This will allow you to significantly optimize the quality of transcriptions. In this Bereich forscht das Jungunternehmen gemeinsam mit der FHNW and Methoden zur Verbesserung der Transkriptionsqualität et daran, ce messbar zu machen. Neben Schweizerdeutsch et Hochdeutsch kann PlaynVoice auch Patientengespräche in Französisch and Englisch verarbeiten.

Wenig Konkurrenz im young Geschäftsfeld

A single communication service with PlaynVoice data protection. Audio data is sent to patients in free transcriptions. All data is sent to the server in Switzerland. “Damit wählten wir bewusst einen conservativenn Ansatz, der die Anforderungen de la société suisse des europeischen Datachutzgesetzes et des Patientengeheimnisses übersteigt,” Spalinger said.

Commissioning does not take place before automated patient documentation. “Noch handelt es sich dabei um ein junges Geschäftsfeld,” says Spalinger. The start-up was launched in September 2023. The three work teams of Dominic Spalinger, Samuel Siegfried and Jacky Casas were first killed by the training company. “We have an event on major language patterns,” Spalinger said.

The application is provided by audiodateian documents.

Image: zvg

It took the company’s background in software development and finance to make a prototype, as well as ski area telephone services and automated business services. “Währenddessen hat und Zahnarzt gefragt, ob wir ain system entwickeln können, das beim Telefonat zwischen Patientinnen et Assistenten zuhört. “Software for telephony is available and it is available for use,” he said.

An analysis of management models has already been carried out, which made it possible to ensure the preparation of time in administrative administration. It was created by the Start-up for the transcription of patient studies and expert interviews with therapists and therapists for specialization in psychotherapy.

Focus on patient management

Heute ist the Start-up with 100 Kunden im Gespräch. This is also a large player with the Baden Institute of General Medicine and St. Gallen Psychiatry. Young people were consulted as part of the national program “Digital Health Nation Innovation Booster” by Innosuisse aufgenommen. “Thanks to the Förderprogramme erhalten wir Zugang zu Expertenwissen, lernen die Branchenstandards kennen et können cese allenfalls beeinflussen,” says Spalinger.

Please note that the App is currently in operation. Damit sollen Ärztinnen et Ärzte laut Spalinger more Zeit für die Behandlung von Patientinnen et Patienten haben. “Mithilfe der App können zwischen 50 und 80 Prozent des administrativen Aufwands in der Dokumentation eingespart werden.” I recommend FHNW’s PlaynVoice on Friday at the Talent Pitch in Zurich. The best start-up in Swiss universities is the best start-up.