
Party of the Oil-Industry? 1,700 Lobbyist auf Klimagipfel – Politics

Party of the Oil-Industry? 1,700 Lobbyist auf Klimagipfel – Politics

Representatives from oil, gas and oil lobbying are present at the Global Business Climate Conference. For Gipfel in Asia, there is a data analysis of 1,773 people who officially got the credit, such as the “Kick Big Polluters Out” coalition in Baku based on new UN data. Getragen wird the Bündnis under the leadership of Transparency International, Greenpeace and Global Witness. Luisa Neubauer of Fridays for Future said: “It’s a disaster!”

Les Datenanlayse zufolge verfügen die Lobbyisten über plus Zugangspässe als alle Representatives der zehn durch die Erderwärmung verwundbarsten Staaten zusammen. These are the following countries: Chad, Solomon Islands, Niger, Micronesia, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia and Tonga, Eritrea, Sudan and Mali.

Einfluss der Lobbyisten “wie eine giftsige Schlange”

Nnimmo Bassey of “Kick Big Polluters Out” says: “The intervention of the lobby for fossil fuels in climate control is like a gift from Schlange, which is why our planet has wind.” It is gelte, ihre “Täuschungen aufzudecken” and entschlossen gegenzusteuern, um ihren Einfluss zu beseitigen.

Die Verbrennung von Öl, Gas und Kohle setzt das climaschädliche Treibhausgas Kohlendioxid free, das den Planeten gefährlich aufheizt. At the Letztjährigen Climate conference in Dubai, there is every 200 floors with an Abkehr von diesen fossilen Brennstofen.

Brice Böhmer of Transparency International said investment network companies were one man and one corruptor. So we are still in the gut of December 20 of the national delegation, Angaben zu ihrer Tätigkeit zu verweigern.

Fossil-Lobby appreciates Trump “als Weltmacht organisiert”

Christoph Bals, political director of the Germanwatch organization, declared on January 1 that global warming had exceeded 1.5 degrees Liège, and that the fossil lobby was “so tough that we have never done it” – and after Donald Trump’s speech on the American president also “organized Weltmacht”. Neubauer von Fridays for Future is working with other heads of Baku’s fossil branch among 90 state and district heads. Baku organized the Fossil Industry Party, which led to a party where the end of the fossil industry took place. “And it’s a bigger Unterschied.”

Prangert den Einfluss der Fossil-Konzerne and: Luisa Neubauer.

Peter Dejong/AP/dpa

At the Dubai Climate Conference, damage officials further analyze the 2,450 accredited fossil lobbyists – a record. In Egypt it is 636. A company also has the opportunity to purchase luxury goods within this country: during these years it is in Baku from the Angaben with approximately 52,000 dollars under the hand from Dubai with $97,000 dollars.

Lobbyists can answer these questions in the conference room

Thanks to the Civil Services Department in Dubai, UN employees were first sent, offenzulegen, when they were vertreten. Dadurch wurden den Activisten zufolge viele Lobbyisten “entlarvt”, die wahrscheinlich inkognito als Teil von Representatives or Wirtschaftsverbänden et früheren Konferenzen teilgenommen hätten.

Also an Aserbaidschan and Gastgeber der UN-Climakonferenz gab es erneut Kritik. The background is under the operational leadership of Head of State Ilham Aliyev, in the energy sector of oil and gas as well as “Geschenk Gottes”. Leading figures from the world of politics and politics are responsible for the national project to reform local authorities. Aserbaidschan, a registered authority Ex-Sowjetrepublik, is within a 90 percent export company auf Öl und Gas.

The public opinion briefings were led by Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Director General of the Club of Rome, Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institutes for Climate Research and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. . Also, the United Nations of Lobbyists will be able to do so.

Tasneem Essop of the Climate Action Network International said oil and gas lobbies are working to promote the fight against climate change. “Wir formern eine COP, die frei von Einmischungen großer Umweltverschmutzer ist.”

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