
Abnehm-App “Oviva”: Its content for digital applications

Abnehm-App “Oviva”: Its content for digital applications

The Digital Development Agency (DiGA) offers a number of products, a federal institute for architecture and medical products, as well as a DiGA product catalog to work on them. Aktuell sind dort 65 DiGA gelistet, 36 davon dauerhaft. Please wait until DiGA sees you return the instructions and you will be able to use the following code. You can also change the code of the Kostenpflichtige App to the Krankenkasse beantragen.


From 2023, Kraft will get instructions for in-depth digitalization in general information for DiGA here, as well as for data protection. Dadurch, dass sie als digitales Medizinprodukt gelten, ergeben sich allerdings auch mehr möglichkeiten, sie können beispielsweise auch pour la Telemonitoring zum Einsatz kommen.

Thomas Richner is vice president of technology at Oviva.

(Image: Oviva)

Themed digital technology solutions were designed by Thomas Richner and are Oviva for cutting-edge technology. Oviva is a project of the BfArM-Verzeichnis gelistetes digitales Abnehmprogramm, das Menschen mit starkem Übergewicht takes care of the ground. Patient information is available in the App under other information and you will be able to use the following information and instructions accordingly.

heise online: Is the bigger Hürden, um eine DiGA auf den Markt zu broughten?

Thomas Richner: The great Herausforderung is sure, the last list in DiGA-Verzeichnis zu erreichen. A basic DiGA system must therefore not be random, controlled studies must be possible, and technical offers must be made for data security and interoperability.

Die meisten DiGA können a solche Wirksamkeitsstudie erfolgreich abschließen. At the DiGA and today’s list of projects, they are within the scope of the regulation, the Federal Institute for Architecture and Medical Products’ current operating status and cannot be taken into account account. Klappt der Nachweis nicht, kann das bei dem DiGA-Hersteller zu großen Herausforderungen führen. Im schlimmsten Fall bedroht es sogar die Existenz des Unternehmens. War die DiGA vorläufig gelistet, kann die Nichterbringung der Wirksamkeit dazu führen, the DiGA Listung entzogen wird and Teile des Umsatzes zurückgezahlt werden müssen.

Immer wieder heißt es, the DiGA-Hersteller viel Geld verlangen et mit der Zeit teurer werden. How do you want to have reviews and reviews?

Digital solutions are excellent in the digital diet, online therapeutic lines and are not available with simple applications, free or for new euros in the App Store for free. I see that the price was created during the last offers of a DiGA – in short on the complexity of the software and also on the offers and compliance. DiGA has a certain level of protection in data security and data protection as well as security and safety solutions.

Grundsätzlich ist es so, dass nur in den ersten 12 Monaten nach Aufnahme in das DiGA-Verzeichnis den Hersteller den Price für seine DiGA bis zur jeweiligen Höchstbetragsgrenze free wählen kann. The effective Höchstbetragsregelung vermeidet Mondpreise, die zulasten der Solidargemeinschaft abgerechnet werden et ermöglicht gleichzeitig aine Incentivierung, a new innovation for the future, at the entrance and on the market to bring. Now 12 months must be paid by the Spitzenverband der GKV verhandelt werden.

Who really needs a big man, to invest in a DiGA to invest?

It’s a water stone. Allein, a vorläufig gelistet zu werden, begot a sich man in a millionenbereich. And of course, the continued leadership of DiGA on Geld. Here you will be able to find the investors in the game, the idea will be found and understood.

Why is the motivation there to help you do your own process, an announced DiGA?

Oviva hat 2014 bereits mit einer eigenen App die Ernährungsberatung digitalisiert. We’ve been very busy, so it was like a DiGA machen. 2020 will take place with our Series B Finanzierungsrunde abgeschlossen, which will allow us to generate new financial resources, for DiGA to launch into investment. Dafür haben wir natürlich ach das Wissen genutzt, das wir bereits durch our digitale Ernährungsberatung hatten. Das bedeutet: Wir haben die klassische Handlung mit dernährungsberatung für uns efficacious gemacht. With the DiGA you will be able to create the next diagram.

Her man has not yet arrived, the adiposity dates from 2013 and the chronic classification has occurred. If DiGA has one and the same timely application for basic therapy, an effective option is a leitliniengerechte umzusetzen basic therapy option.

In Europe there are 220 million men with adipositas. Die Kapazität, um sie im persönlichen Kontakt medizinisch zu unterstützen, gibt es aber nur für einen Bruchteil. Technology and damit auch DiGA have a unique chance, this pandemic occurs and all the advantages of therapy similar to ermöglichen. With our DiGA we will focus on our efforts, men with adiposities have a digital vision of resource management for learning and better environmental management.

DiGA-Anbieter müssen Ihre App and die Telematikinfrastruktur anschließen. Where is the active stand?

We are one of the former suppliers of DiGA, sowohl and electronic patient as well as telematics infrastructure and security services. L’Anschluss an die ePA wird noch zeitnah an alle Patienten et Patientinnen ausgerollt. There are still problems here with a Krankenkassen, the Techniker Krankenkasse supports the EPA at the same time. Then the connection with the GesundheitsID is available for up to one day, informing you with the technical distributor and the Krankenkassen.

Is it okay for Anreize?

Bisher is now thirteen years old, up to the Vorgabe, to implement it. But when a man has insight into the situation, it can be obtained through the interesting ePA link.

When the DiGA and the EPA angebunden ist and Daten übertragen darf, gibt es in der ePA a entsprechenden DiGA-Ordner. Yesterday we were there when Abschluss der DiGA-Behandlung die Daten aufgehoben, während sie in der DiGA gelöscht werden. When in the coming months the information is available, the DiGA data during the EPA reading, you will be able to obtain the historical data more easily. This hat for patients and toe patients, from dates, as shown in the user manual, does not have a hand in hand. The story is now automatic.

A more interesting point is the interoperability between two versions of DiGA. Then we’ll be playing a new patient, we’ll have another DiGA, then we’ll send you the relevant date and synchronize it. Then the Nutzer and the Behandelnden Ärzte a large Überblick. The data format matches the Medical Information Object and FHIR HL7 for accurate installation.

How can patients be taken care of?

If documents are written according to the dates indicated in PDF format, they are sent according to the structured data in the ePA. Then you can, following the intervention, follow the graphs below.

Do you want the DiGA to have a Berechtigung Geben, damit sie Daten in die EPA Schreiben Kann? And what about the Zukunft?

A response from the versicherten, dating from the DiGA in die elektronische patientenakte übertragen werden sollen.

(Image: Oviva)

Genau, DiGA-Nutzer:innen müssen activ in der DiGA der Weitergabe der Daten zustimmen. Please note that there are other individual events, welche Daten weitergeben werden soll. In the EPA the patient learns himself: inside the festival we have these dates to read them. The patient must perform a single or complete synchronization in the activated Oviva app and in the ePA app beziehungsweise Krankenkassen-App Oviva den Zugriff erlauben. This Zugriff may have a wider time span. The design is such that this self-service mechanism is not more complete, the user experience is also safe in the Oviva application and also in the Kassen applications now policies.

This is a first reference manual, free codes for DiGA zu erhalten, which corresponds to a project of the company’s operating company. Is this dahinter and how is your vision?

Schon jetzt ist es for interested Patient: relatively complex, an eine DiGA zu kommen: Im Schnitt dauert es 13 Tage, während man ein Rezept für ein Arzneimittel innerhalb weniger Minuten einlösen kann. Our supplier has the Hoffnung, dass das mit dem E-Rezept für DiGA verbessert werden kann. The first solution for the learning process includes the critical barriers for the patient: inside the screen, from the Antrag to a DiGA activity near the storage crate in the premises, then there is a project verification. The technology is also slightly different and has been fully automated. A clear statement of: When a man has a digitized schlechten process, it is a schlechter process. Wir hoffen, the Pläne dazu von Gematik et BMG noch einmal überdacht werden.
