
Traditionsklub Olympique Lyon right Zwangsabstieg wegen 500 Mio Schulden

Traditionsklub Olympique Lyon right Zwangsabstieg wegen 500 Mio Schulden

Olympique Lyonnais and Corentin Tolisso are the defenders of Abstieg in the second Liga.Image: keystone

11/15/2024, 9:03 p.m.11/15/2024, 9:16 p.m.

The traditional French club Olympique Lyon was provisionally set up by a football club. Please note that the transfers will be processed in winter. The Entscheidung gab die Kontrollinstanz im Französischen Fussball am Freitagabend bekannt.

Now that Lyon is in Ligue 1, it is in its final stages before the end of the season in the 2nd League, so the financial situation is not under control. For Kurzem, the club had an average average price of 505.1 million euros.

Lyon-Besitzer John Textor.Image: keystone

The Freitagnachmittag of the Lyon-Besitzer John Textor, the same Mitbesitzer of Crystal Palace, is now able to give the La Liga place inside him. Seine Argumente schienen die Kontrollinstanz jedoch nicht vollständig zu überzeugen. Nonne wants the club to have a good half year, for the moment from Schaffen – it will take place first for 35 years in the second class.

At the end of Letzten’s season, Girondins de Bordeaux must be another traditional French Gang club in a previous Premier League. The French from the South must play two years after their withdrawal in the Oberklasse Konkurs anmelden and play again in the old Liga. (NIH)

Europas Recordmaster im Fussball

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Europas Recordmaster im Fussball

Spanish : Real Madrid – 36th title, July 2023/24. Erster Verfolger: FC Barcelona – 27 titles.

what: keystone / rodrigo jimenez

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