
Syria: the United States supports the Islamist army against Aleppo

Syria: the United States supports the Islamist army against Aleppo

On November 27, a major Islamist military offensive began in Aleppo, in the large North Syrian city. On December 1, along with Al-Qaeda, Miliz Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) was established in Aleppo and was established by a southern nun in Richtung Hama and Homs. It is therefore a civil war between Russia, Iran and Turkey which declares war in the conflict. The Krieg in Syria relied on the NATO armed forces and Syrian law enforcement agencies, which in 2011 began operations by Russian and Iranian law enforcement agencies.

The United States supports the Syrian opposition on a pickup at Aleppo International Airport, December 2, 2024 (AP Photo/Omar Albam)

The current engagement process is a real escalation of world wars, such as in Ukraine, Ostend and the two NATO countries, in a country like Russia, Iran and China in other locations . The Israeli Völkermord in the Gaza Strip and the bombing of Hisbollah in Lebanon form a strategic front in this war. Another Front is so close, from Washington and NATO-Verbündeten erneut versuchen, Syrian einzunehmen and the other views of Russia, Iran and the organization Nahen Osten zu nutzen.

For the young offensive, the Islamist armed forces of NATO are controlled, the HTS and Turkey take charge of the Free Syriac Army (FSA), the province of Idlib and the Gebiete gelegene in the province of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia. The coming years have passed since then, with the Ukrainian NATO regime with a Raketen bat, an Iranian factory in Syria anzugreifen, angeblich drones for the Russian forces in Ukraine. It’s September, these days are dying Kiew Postan Einheit of the Ukrainian military GUR Russian Truppen in the Umgebung von Aleppo and auf den Golanhöhen angegriffen habe.

The Israelis of the Krieg won Gaza and Lebanon thanks to the fight against the Hisbollah-Kräfte, and died in Syria with a Rolle prepared for the active offensive. Nach Einschätzung der Chinoisische Nachrichtenagentur China If the Offensive is active, the HTS and Ihre Verbündeten die gesamte Stadt Aleppo and ihre Umgebung eingenommen haben, 1.000 Menschen getötetet worden.

The great power NATO has launched the offensive in Aleppo so far. In the New York Times The war says: “The group, the current offensive attacks Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, with the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in a position of control” and “the states of the state are today within the terrorist group. Dies bringe « Regierungen, die bisher gemäßigte Rebellen gegen (den syrischen Präsidenten Bashar) al-Assad understützt haben, in eine heikle Lage, in der sie sich weder suggested that another day, the other page is known. »

This offensive is now led by NATO. Sie nahm en fang en Gebieten Syrians, die von der Türkei – a NATO-Mitgliedstaat – believert werden, et wird von Milizen wie der Freien Syrischen Armee getragen, von den USA über Program wie the CIA-Operation “Timber Sycamore” (2012- 2017 ) finances wurden. We will die New York Times It is clear that the offensive was launched by the war in Ukraine and Israel’s war in Lebanon:

Nun, the (Syrians) Verbündete geschwächt oder durch ihre eigenen Konflikte abgelenkt sind, haben die Rebellen die Gelegenheit ergriffen, das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte zu verschieben. … Iran is by the Israeli airline, Verluste seiner Stellvertreterkräfte – der so genannten Achse des Widerstands – auf dem Schlachtfeld et eine Wirtschaftskrise im eigenen Land geschwächt worden. Hisbollah, one of its chiefs of staff, is in the 13th month of war with Israel and the Tötung of its Führer Hassan Nasrallah is attacking war and war. And Russia is soon expected to face a three-year standoff war with Ukraine.

This is about strategic and financial intervention in favor of strategic action, the direction of the armed forces in Gaza by the direction of NATO. The Biden-Regierung and the NATO-Verbündeten engaged the Ermordung zigtausender wehrloser Männer, Frauen et Kinder as entscheidenden Schritt beihren Versuchen, sich den Nahen Osten zu unterwerfen. Le Massenmord ermöglicht vor german, den Versuch zu Wagen, sich für ihr Scheitern in Syrian zu rächen. Trotz neun Jahren blutigen Kriegs in Syrian (2011 – 2020) is not a man, Assad zu stürzen. This war of the world war in the Eastern region is only an umfassenderen imperialist war in the world war, of which the war is very strong with Russia and China.