
Hypershell Exoskeleton for Superkräfte verleihen

Hypershell Exoskeleton for Superkräfte verleihen

Schnell erschöpft beim Wandern ou Bergsteigen? The person can be bald in an exoskeleton. After several years of intervention, Hypershell companies in Hong Kong will be able to provide a solution to the market. The Umschnallgürtel soll einen Output von einer ganzen Pferdestärke ermöglichen.

Quickly two years after the Exoskelett Hypershell on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter by the bridge, it is finally finished. The Hong Kong company is also present at the ISPO sports fair in Munich. The bodies are designed so that the exoskeleton crushes and is harder and harder to perform when traveling, mountain trails or sprints.

We tested the exoskeleton for the Ort in Munich and tested it safely. Das bergauf et bergab geht deutlich schneller. The technology is so rich and futuristic, like a construction robot, with its motor control it is possible. Only one thing that lasts, when the Muskeln is traveling.

The long warranty period was ensured by Kickstarter support for a one-time investment, as it is the development of the fertige model that is within the reach of entrepreneurs in the Ganges. On the Hypershell website you will find all the interesting elements of the unidentified exoskeleton, jedoch zu a deutlich höheren price as the crowdfunding agency must be offered. The small sale costs around 700 euros. The date will be released in January 2025.

The Exoskelett Hypershell is a single support for viewing

Hypershell Exoskelett: Forest-managed KI

Our next merger in March 2023:

While Steve Rogers first brought the Supersoldaten serum into the country with a focus on energy and non-menstrual crafting and manufacturing products, they were designed for science fiction. Inzwischen wird deutlich: First of all, was Captain America really ready, it was an exoskeleton.

The Hypershell exoskeleton weighs 1.8 kilograms and is ambitious for travel or sports with both men and women. The KI-gesteuerte 400-Watt motor operates Bewegungen and versucht, den Menschen bei seiner ou son activity zu unterstützen. I’m in “Hyper Mode”, so I can travel at a maximum speed of 12 km/h. Außerdem hilft the Gadget mit schwerem Gepäck. Laut Hersteller can reach 30 compensated kilograms.

An den seitlichen Bedienflächen lässt sich die Unterstützung durch das Skelett variabel einstellen. Alternatively, you have an application to download, the neben Akkustand and Kraftmodus auch Daten wie die absolvierten Schritte anzeigt.

Watched video on Youtube

The water is an IP54-Standard and is heated. For transport, if the exoskeleton fails, the Akkus are austauschbar not completed. Laut Hersteller enignet sich eine Ladung für rund 16 Meilen (knapp 26 Kilometer) – je nach Activität dürfte ceser Wert aber variieren. The Skeletons and- and other sizes are approximately 20 days old.

We are now going to offer you a project that will allow you to know the first version of the skeletons on Kickstarter. They will give you a sale price of $599 USD so you can buy them for half off. A voraussichtliche lifespan will be available in September 2023.

The quality of the final products according to Kickstarter projects is varied and is offered in preview. Wir empfehlen, mit dem Kauf lieber noch zu warten. Dennoch: The Konzept extends far and wide and is presented in überzeugend web videos. We are in the process of doing it.

CHIP meint: Unique concept for all super-kräfte

Even though the Hypershell Exoskelett (today) is not capable of flying and creating superschurkens, the concept is very popular. Glaubt man den Angaben des Herstellers, dürfte das Umschnallgadget Bergtouren et Sprints deutlich erleichtern et zu neuen Höchstleistungen anspornen.

It is interesting that the exoskeleton is what interests you all, because these activities are possible for strengthening or for healthy greens which are not the best. The larger Design is based on 80 Prozent der Erwachsenengrößen abdecken.

On Kickstarter, the Hypershell project is a real project. You will have to pay 9,439 euros for the campaign to cost more than 180,000 euros. If you have a 2-year warranty or a Charging Adapter in the end, you will be able to use the following instructions. On April 6, 2023, the campaign ended.

Interesting addition

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