
“Everything is possible” for Arminia

“Everything is possible” for Arminia

Überraschung im Achtelfinale

The Pokal-Party has more details: “Everything is possible” for Arminia

Updated on 04.12.2024 – 12:01 hoursLesedauer: 2 Min.

Party-Anheizer: Torwart Jonas Kersken is in Feierlaune. (Quelle: Friso Gentsch/dpa/dpa-bilder)

And only one Drittligist will be in Bielefeld during the Pokal-Viertelfinale. After a few days, Arminia is also in the windward La Liga. A Torschütze vergleicht sich mit einer “Ketchupflasche”.

The final in Berlin will be that of the Bielefeld Pokalhelden and his fans will not yet explain it. The biggest of the Vertrauen in the own stars is what happens at the next Fußball-Party auf der Alm trotzdem klar. “Everything is possible,” said Torschütze Louis Oppie in the Katakomben of traditional stadiums.

3:1 against SC Freiburg, 2:0 against 1. FC Union Berlin and Hannover 96: both Bundesligists and a Zweitliga-Topteam have the Bielefelder behind the rausgeworfen. The finals audition will take place on December 15 and the same training at Lostopf will take place during the autumn Heimrecht. “It doesn’t matter, we are kommt. Solche Abende hier auf der Alm sind einfach Wahnsinn. Die muss man genießen”, said Oppie.

Angepeitscht von ihren Fans im mit 26.311 Zuschauern ausverkauften engen Stadion beeindruckten die Arminen nicht nur mit hohem Einsatz et Kampfgeist. Bielefeld plays rich football players, but he plays loudly. “Was it my brother is that we disagree,” said coach Mitch Kniat with an insight into the mutigen Auftritt seiner Mannschaft.

Der 39-Jährige und die Arminia – das past. After a few years of victory and the abstraction of the Bundesliga in the 3rd edition, the Liga has only had one year and the Mannschaft is not stabilized and has no chance of winning. Knitting a hat within the Club also includes additional candidates. The scoreboard tritt Bielefeld am Sonntag zum Topspiel bei Dynamo Dresden an. Euphoria is ridiculous.

“It’s the perfect Spaß mit der Truppe. Wir kriegen jedes Mal einen super Plan vom Trainerteam,” Oppie said. The coach himself, for his part, said about the Alm Sprach and also for the “Vollgas” of the party, said the Lob and the Mannschaft zurück: “Es gehört nicht nur dazu, dass du einen Plan rausgibst, sondern die Jungs vertrauen auch darauf “.

Freiburg’s increase plan is not planned for Jonas Kersken at Torwart. The next 24 days prevented Florent Muslija’s Elfmeter from having a new game stand, which performed during the game as Anheizer ausgelassen in front of the Southern tribe with its three fans. “Wir spüren, was in unsteckt,” said Kersken selbstbewusst.

Moreover, dass an cesem Abend alles clappte, stand also Verteidiger Christopher Lannert. The 26th day of traffic is carried out at the Pokal – and directly by the Traumtor. “Wir haben schon die ganze Woche so ein bisschen gewitzelt und gesagt: Ich bin wie eine Ketchupflasche: Wenn”s einmal kommt, dann kommt”s richtig,” he said with a Lächeln. A central point of time is there to allow you to realize this.

Inexperienced players in the DFB Championship can help you, so that the current top flights fail to prepare. The Einzug ins Viertelfinale cost the Shipyard 1.7 million euros. As part of the general budget, there is an amount of 1.5 million euros in dollars for customs duties, so the budget does not correspond to a single auftritt.