
From the beginning of summer 2025: new leaks on Switch 2 have been published several times and cost less than 500 euros.

From the beginning of summer 2025: new leaks on Switch 2 have been published several times and cost less than 500 euros.

The latest Switch 2 is now available for sale in 2025. (Image: unsplash / Aishah lenore)

The Switch 2 charger is not connected to the connector. After the Fans take a look at a new Release hatten, if you don’t have a new version, then you will have to change the version of the Switch-Nachfolgers in Summer 2025. Please note that an Insider will provide you with information on the price.

After checking out the Chinese social media network Weibo, you’ll be ready to get started, as buyers of the Nintendo Switch (on Amazon for just 288 euros) announced their arrival in January, and in March they’re not ready yet. Without new leaks, die auf eine spätere Veröffentlichung hindeuten. Information is available on Nintendúo’s Spanish YouTube channel.

Laut einem actuellen Video, ach mit deutschen subtitles wiedergegeben werden cannn, plant Nintendo die Veröffentlichung for Sommer 2025 – genauer gesagt June 2 et July 2. This is a mind game for people from different teaching studios, who offer games for real work on Switch 2. Which means that the long period of dominance will go through the Nintendo Switch-Nachfolger until ‘at the end of the last days of play, also until the end of March 2025.

The Switch 2 release is expected to take place until summer 2025, but Nintendo’s release cannot happen for a younger launch. Immerhin stehen Gerüchte im Raum, dass der Spielehersteller im ersten Geschäftsjahr rund 10 Millionen Konsolen fertigen will.

Speculation of prices

Nintendo has information on the price of the new Nintendo console which has been designed and reasonably priced at 400 to 500 euros in space, like Nintendo-Insider Samus Hunter on X genauere Angaben: