
Tesla: the Mitarbeiter must abandon the Ofens in Hitze Arbeiten

Tesla: the Mitarbeiter must abandon the Ofens in Hitze Arbeiten

Tesla CEO Elon Musk during a 2022 Cyber ​​Rodeo party at the Tesla company in Austin, United States Bundesstaat, Texas.

The office of a new counter at Tesla’s Austin factory has a unique portfolio in geographic history, as the “Wall Street Journal” did.

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter sagten, durch den Fehler hätten Schadstoffe entweichen können et la Temperatur sei auf bis zu 38 Grad Celsius angelestiegen.

Elon Musk’s executives are in the letter Zeit zunehmend wegen Umweltverstößen in die Critik geraten.

The entrepreneur at the Tesla factory in Austin has a temperature of up to 38 degrees Celsius and a “stand-up” stands in front of a word, but the only one meter door to an office does not is not a rich castle, lying in front of the “Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) Sonntagabend.

There hasn’t really been a report of the Texas factories published in the Zeitung, as the monatelang has undone so, while Elon Musks is the producer of Gelände Model Y cars in January 2022 at present.

In a memo, during these years and the United States environmental protection, the “WSJ” met, according to an informant, Tesla brought an “exhaustive list” to solve the problem.

In the memo, Tesla had to carry out repairs in building materials for the office, in aluminum for the manufacture of automobile parts, angepasst and die Tür vorübergehend geschlossen.

This Taktik provides that Tesla must help the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality carry out effective emissions tests, as the “WSJ” has prepared.

Tesla did not react in a page of the “Wall Street Journal” nor was it published in a page of Business Insider.

This is not the first problem, Elon Musk’s leaders have decided to implement solutions within the research firm.

SpaceX arrived in September at a fast 150,000 US dollars (142,000 euros), well into 2022 in the next Texan years Startgeländes Abwässer in Feuchtgebiete geleitet hatte. Tesla earned $1.5 million in February (and 1.42 million euros), in a group of people who, in the case of entrepreneurs, did business in a Kalifornien factory who were not done for them.

As part of the “WSJ” survey, Tesla also implemented giveaways within the Austin Anlage as part of the wastewater disposal system.

Mitarbeiter, die auf Umweltverstöße in der Anlage in Austin hinwiesen, wurden ignoredt and fürchteten, dass sie enlassen werden könnten, schilderten ehemalige Mitarbeiter im Gespräch mit dem “WSJ”.

Within the framework of the memo and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Environmental Protection Agency directed Tesla “mich wiederholt gebeten hat, die Regierung anzulügen”, damit das unternehmen ohne angemessene Umweltkontrollen arbeiten konnte.