
Erica Synths Steampipe, polyphone PM-Synthesizer

Erica Synths Steampipe, polyphone PM-Synthesizer

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4. December 2024

This is Erica Synths Steampipe trial media with the latest updates, which will not be updated this December. Maybe the physical modeling synthesizer is still under one or another physical modeling lab?

Erica Synths Steampipe – polyphone PM-Synthesizer

Bei sener Ankündigung auf der Superbooth 23 stieß Steampipe auf big interest. Doch die Fertigstellung der complexen physikalischen Modelle nahm mehr Entwicklungszeit in Anspruch, als man ursprünglich erwartete. The proper structure of synthesizers is not true.

Steampipe is a polyphonic synthesizer with 8 stimulations, the equivalent of herkömmlichen oscillators uni klangerzeugung besitzt, Blas- und Streichinstrumenten nachgeahmt werden. Thus, Steampipe has been optimized for installation with a MIDI Wind controller, which can naturally adapt to MIDI keyboards and generated sequences.
Erica Synths describes technical specifications „… the Wolkenfetzen über Jahrmarktsorgeln bis hin zu Hörnern der Eisenbahn et schließlich zu massifn, jenseitigen Ambientklängen reichen.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

More information

When the Steampipe uses Emulation, it is possible to use the conventional Tones and Dynamics of the instrument, which is actually used. So you can make a show of a flute or clarinet in Steampipe from C1 to C7 played.

If instrument editing is not allowed, the engine only uses 32 predefined parameters, making the internal algorithms more complex.
Zur Modulation is a zuweisbare LFO with predefined Delay-Parameter and Sync-Option. You can use a universal modulation matrix to use MIDI-CC on all parameters.

Steampipe is equipped with a 112dB acoustic sensor efficiency algorithm. The synthesizer includes 64 factory presets and can set 192 user presets. Presets are downloaded and exported via USB.

Erica Synths Steampipe will be available on December 17, 2024. Beim Hersteller costs the synthesizer 990,- Euro zzgl. VAT and Versand.

Here is the fusion of the Superbooth 23

Erica Synths features a polyphonic physics modeling synthesizer with Steampipe, which can use wind, reed, string and mallet instruments. At Superbooth stand O235, you can get a first hand.

Erica Synths Steampipe, polyphone PM-Synthesizer

Steampipe is designed with a physical model, with such Klänge achievable. The output point is a noise generator, from a continuous bzw fighter plane. the simulated “Dampf”. This signal can be generated with a hull curve and a filter, before being placed in the “Klangröhre” gelangt. With a combination of the Delay Box, the installation module and the filter section, the own language is created.
Thanks to two feedback comments, the sound signal is applied in the “Klangröhre” and the sound can still be used drastically. Abschließend durchläuft der Klang ein Reverb.

For simulation of Saiten instruments, parameters can be changed, so that the pulses generate a simulation simulation. With more manipulation of the Delay-Box, the type of materials is applied, down to solid metal. Damit können dann Vibraphon-ähnliche andere perkussive Klänge erzeugt werden.
Steampipe can use a monophon, an 8-pulse polyphon, or a sound played in unison.

Erica Synth Steampipe Wird frühestens Ende Sommer verfügbar sein. Im Moment wird noch an der Optimierung des Zusammenspiels der Parameter gearbeitet. The price is no longer subject to change.