
WSL 2.4.5 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with warnings for bridged networks and more

WSL 2.4.5 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with warnings for bridged networks and more

For Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you will find a new update with version 2.4.5. Yesterday there are some other problems. Then you will no longer be able to use GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx to find the maximum value of the process. Damit wird also a Problem behoben.

In the classic version of Red Hat as a new distribution, I think they were not implemented. This chatter is “nur” einige Änderungen.

  • Erlaubt jetzt den Distributionen, die Erzeugung von Verknüpfungen et Terminalprofilen abzulehnen
  • There is a warning from Benutzer which means that the Benutzer will be informed, the Bridged Network will take care of it inside the network
  • Faster Windows-specific string conversion functions
  • Korrektur der Fehlfunktion, standard distribution is not available wsl --list erscheint
  • WSLpath updated, an abschließende zu erhalten schema

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