
Kyndryl: Partnerschaft mit Nokia – the party can see us

Kyndryl: Partnerschaft mit Nokia – the party can see us

Kyndryl is a global IT infrastructure provider, as of November 2021, by IBM Managed Infrastructure Services Management Organization. Das Unternehmen entwirft et modernisiert komplexe, geschäftskritische Informationssysteme. Die Aktie markierte zuletzt ein neues Rekordhoch; This is a unique partnership with Nokia which is committed to a strategy to strengthen the Rally’s capabilities.

Kyndryl and Nokia have their partner partner, a fortschrittliche Netzwerklösungen für Unternehmensrechenzentren anzubieten. The company combines Kyndryls’ IT expertise with Nokia’s cutting-edge networking technology and strives to help you modernize your research support centers. The core integration of Nokia’s event-based automation into Kyndryl Bridge was KI management automation and increased security. The Partnerschaft reacts to the information provided by KI. Darüber hinaus wird die Zusammenarbeit die Cybersicherheit stärken. The association’s mission is to provide services to your digital transformation and IT infrastructure for management.

Starkes Kunden Wallet

Seit Jahresanfang a die Aktie un fulminante Rally gestartet et kommt aktuell auf a Kursgewinn von 77 Prozent. Insbesondere nach der Bekanntgabe der Unternehmenszahlen Anfang Novembre beschleunigte sich die Kursentwicklung. The stock market has probably reduced the financial situation at a rapid pace, despite the rapid economic growth of 70 percent of 142 out of 43 million US dollars.
Companies will strive to buy time and expect until 2025 a billion US dollar investment with new cloud prospects. This investment strategy was first announced: I am a young quarter buying Kyndryl for an investment of 260 million US dollars in the investment in big cloud services like Nvidia, Microsoft, Google and Amazon .

Kyndryl is placed at 14th activity in the AKTIONÄR Global AI Index and now has a high ranking action. The statistical strategies index is as of December 24; More information about the index is available here.

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