
Stephen Kings erschreckendstes Werk ist jett ass Bildband erhältlich

Stephen Kings erschreckendstes Werk ist jett ass Bildband erhältlich

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A verwaiste hotel, a buyer and an überall Schrecken: “Shining” is born right now. Jetzt is a new addition to the Bildband.

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Stephen King’s novel “The Shining” gilded as Meilenstein der Horrorliteratur. The origin of the trip is the history of the Overlook Hotel, the home of the Jack Torrance family, and he has years of living in his home. The dark atmosphere of the varied hotels, the psychological space and the iconic elements like the verboten garden and the unpredictable irrgarten of work and machine are for an unexpected use.

Kubrick and King: a controversial version of the film

“Brilliant” hat die Horrorgeschichte geprägt. A new group found itself with fans, attached to the world of King and Kubrick (Archivbild). © Allstar/Imago

The filming of Stanley Kubrick in 1980 reveals the story of a new dimension. Kubrick, the “gruseligsten Film aller Zeiten” arrived, but the Kings Vorlage, a major film company to create. Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance played an unexpected performance, the film in the film archives has only one lie. Doch nicht jeder war begeistert: Stephen King selbst äußerte seine Unzufriedenheit über die filmische Umsetzung, die seiner Meinung nach die Essenz seines Buches einfing. Trotz dieser Kritik wurde Kubricks “Shining” zu einem Kultklassiker, der die Popkultur nachhaltig beeinflusste, so

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A preview in Kubricks Genie: The New Zweibändige Set

The brand new set from Lee Unkrich and JW Rinzler offers a new film in the cinema development project. Die Sammlung enthält Hunderte unveröffentlichter Fotografien, Originaldokumente and exclusive Interviews mit Darstellern and the Crew. These materials rely on the different technologies of Kubricks Arbeitsweise and the complexity of production, at the same time as technical innovations like the Einsatz of the Steadicam. The Herausforderungen während der Dreharbeiten, like the mysterious Feuer in the Elstree Studios and the unzähligen Drehbuchänderungen, were ausführlich beleuchtet.

Lee Unkrich, der als “führender Shining-Kenner” dor, hat als Herausgeber des Sets seine Expertise eingebracht, so die Verlagswebsite. The Academy Award-winning director is responsible for his work on animated projects such as “Toy Story 3” and “Coco.” With JW Rinzler as co-author, the detailed making-of-bücher for its own details was created by the filming of an umfassenden film on the Kubricks film. It is a gift for all fans of “The Shining” and a good document for the film historian.

“Shining”: A bleibender Eindruck in der Horrorgeschichte

Sowohl das Buch together with the film “The Shining” had a remarkable impact on horror literature and the meaning of the film in the background. The dark atmosphere and psychological connections of the story still fascinate a general audience today. With these new comics, the Erbe of “The Shining” let himself be carried away by the Möglichkeit fans, linked to the world of Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick.

“The Shining” by Stanley Kubrick

English Ausgabe

2024 Taschen, ISBN-13 978-3-7544-0003-6

Price: €100, 1,396 pages

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