
The Top 10 of the 2024 WEC Hypercar Championships

The Top 10 of the 2024 WEC Hypercar Championships

A fascinating pole race at Le Mans until the automobile, the automobile will not take place in the same way, but the podiums will not open, but it will be this year in the Hypercar class of the Langstrecken-WM (WEC) a race in progress Leistungen. Yesterday if the Fahrer, die am meisten auf sich aufmerksam gemacht haben

The Hypercar Class of the 2024 WEC season on January 19, 2024, the automobile is talking about the race of the season which will be carried out successfully. And the drivers of Porsches, Ferraris and Toyotas are not up to the stars, but they are not able to use them, so the machines do not need wet maintenance, but they are not in able to use them.

Here, brings you the upcoming season and the best drivers in the 2024 Hypercars season.

Place 10: Charles Milesi

It’s really not superfluous, Charles Milesi is in his career in the WEC Top Class on the list: Er war Ende vergangenen Jahres in der LMP2-Operation von Alpine herausragend. There is no profile within the Teamkollegen team of the Mannschaft from Signatech, but the best form of Franzose in those years and a game in a racing car, like the A424, at the end of the season, end with wet activities.

The war in Austin, Fuji and Bahrain happened and there was a war in the jewels of Rennen auf dem Podest stehen können. These items may be delivered and stored, but they are not the same as those they contain.

Platz new: Julien Andlauer

Porsche knows the potential of Franzosen and its workshop in the Kunden-Porsche von Proton gesture. Julien Andlauer had the chance to take up a factory position near Porsche-Penske in the Zukunft war. It is written that the rules are in the hands of both hands and those who have left their legs.

In Spa war er wahrscheinlich in Bestform, as well as in the Teamkollege Neel Jani vor der Unterbrechung um den Sieg kämpften. But there is a war generating war in Rennes in Bahrain, another reading, the unbelieving light. Andlauer is happy, the season with a championship victory, but also in Bahrain he has a new higher price – a place near the Porsche-Penske for the 2025 WEC season.

Place to: Kamui Kobayashi

Kamui Kobayashi is outdone by a star-studded season. The Japanese war took place in Topform and for all at Le Mans and Interlagos, a lackluster scenario. This is a man who was named WEC champion twice, and it came on the 40th anniversary. After several years of war, there was more than a year in the Top 10 and it’s an unforgettable moment, in this pain of meeting Matt Campbell in Fuji, so at that moment.

The attack is actually false Description: This attack is suggested, but the attack is not correct. And then you will see it again, but it’s a big problem with no big Auswirkungen.

Sienben place: Matt Campbell

This is not the war we see, Matt Campbell first waged a war with a prototype in the Antrat of the WEC, which is the war of the IMSA-Mannschaft von Penske-Porsche, under the same name as the border of Startnumber 5. The Australian follows his pace during a race with a pole position in Katar, a competition, which takes place in Spa in open ground.

Erwies sich sich soft as herausragender Fahrer in dem Auto, the definitive of the “second” Werks-Porsche war, was the Ergebnisse, but is not in the Renngeschwindigkeit entretraf. Seine Leistungen has a green seat gehabt and it is a program for the WEC, which will in the coming months of your racing time in the world, the largest racing time within the IMSA mitfahren wird.

Sieben Square: Dries Vanthoor

The young man from Vanthoor plays in his first WEC season for the BMW racing car and is doing well as brother Laurens makes prototypes: he has to prepare for his production in the Hypercar class in a manual car in the machine background. so good. Dries Vanthoor zeigte aine Reihe Starker Leistungen, also starting at Le Mans, and he is not yet in the race, that he went in his first qualifying race, also at Fuji, where he has another race time.

Place for: Mikkel Jensen

Mikkel Jensen is not the man of his life at Peugeot-Kader, and he is not yet present in the last seasons of the season in Fuji and Bahrain, as well as in Male in the transition phase. The Däne hatte bei jeder Gelegenheit frische Reifen drauf, mais il músto be trotzdem liefern.

And it’s definitive: Es war eine Freude zu sehen, wie er das Auto nach vorne brachte et aar ordentliche Punkte einfuhr – and beim Saisonfinale first at the Podium stand, nachdem der Ferrari mit the Number 51 bestraft wurde. Die Leistung en Le Mans war genauso gut – wahrscheinlich sogar noch besser -, wurde aber nicht belohnt. There are more like nur den zwölften Platz verdient.

Platz vier: Sébastien Buemi

The events within the headquarters, the Toyota in Bahrain lost the crown, but there is not a single group, but Sébastien Buemi in this list of 2023 on an aufsteigt place. The Swiss spirit is genauso gut wie auf dem Weg zum Titel im vergangenen Jahr: Er war in Le Mans hervorragend et gehörte zu den schnellsten im Durchschnitt.

The starting point of the season is Kevin Estre’s maneuver instead of the trip to Austin. Zynisch ist das einzige Wort, the seine verzweifelte Ausweichbewegung description, mit der er versuchte, seine Position zu vertidigen, and the umso more, wenn die deuxweite Ausweichbewegung nicht das Ergebnis of Reifenschadens war, der auf den ersten folgte, wie Buemi behauptete (Estre war zu diesem Zeitpunkt fast vollständig von der Strecke abgekommen). Die anschließende Strafe und die Punkte auf seiner Lizenz waren völlig gerechtfertigt. It is now possible to gain insight into people.

Place three: Laurens Vanthoor

A more beautiful season for Laurens Vanthoor brachte den größten Prices seiner bereits mit Auszeichnungen gespickten Karriere. He finds himself in his position in the Top 10 of 2023, and it is very likely that the time has come to gab – the Belgian war is almost entirely instinctive.

Two of their members and their Team team are currently in the same category, but they are not the only ones running in Le Mans with the best Porsche-Fahrer ausgezeichnet. Außerdem muss man die Reihe von Strafen à Bahrain berücksichtigen. War is not Vanthoors’ best endeavor, but from the title or the current war you can cope with these works hinweggesehen werden.

Place two: Nicklas Nielsen

At the start of the season the talent of Nicklas Nielsens was renewed, but he had a successful racing season, as part of the Team Kollegen Antonio Fuoco with the number 50, which allowed Ferrari-Fahrer to 2023. The day has come in the transition phase. in Le Mans old and new Leistung, as well as Ferrari den 2weiten Sieg in Folge sicherte.

He seems to be under cool pressure, even if the gate is not rich in castle and if he has time, for the Toyota zu bleiben, which is in the second half of the time, Benzin separates. Im Laufe der Saison gab est bei fast jedem Rennen von Katar bis Bahrain Beispiele für seine hohe Pace – and these end up in der Tat gute Beispiele.

Platz eins: Kevin Estre

It’s a season of superlatives, one that is truly outdated. Estre hatte das schnellste Auto sur le Circuit de la Sarthe, ber er brachte seinen Porsche 963 LMDh igendwie at the Poleposition for the 24 Stunden von Le Mans. Dies als Höhepunkt seiner Saison zu bezeichnen, würde jedoch aine Reihe beeindruckender Leistungen schmälern, die ihm and seinen Teamkollegen von Porsche Penske Motorsport mit der Nummer 6 zum Title of the Hypercar-Fahrers verhalfen.

Interlagos and Bahrain, when the automobile took the road to Rennes before launching, also faced strong pressure during the siege of Katar and Fuji. Beständigkeit war die große Waffe im Arsenal der Startnummer Nr. January 6, 2024, and that’s when he’s away.

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