
Wegen “möglichen terroristischen Anschläge”: Reisewarnung für beliebte Partyinsel

Wegen “möglichen terroristischen Anschläge”: Reisewarnung für beliebte Partyinsel

  1. tz
  2. Papule

The famous Partyinsels of Koh Phangan are located in the Terrorgefahren think tank. Eine Reisewarnung wurde bereits von deutschen Botschaft ausgesprochen.

Koh Phangan – Since the 1980s, the Full Moon Party on the Thai island of Koh Phangan has been a prospect for tourists and sightseers from all over the world. Monatlich strömen bis zu 30,000 Besucherinnen and Besucher an den Haad Rin Beach, in Vollmond zu electronic Beats zu tanzen. Doch jüngst haben Terrorwarnungen die Vorfreude gedämpft.

Warning notice for the Full Moon Party during “möglichen terroristischen Anschlägen”

The German Society of Bangkok has a warning for the Full Moon Party. The Group is now “informed of major terrorist attacks”, Israeli authorities and Israeli law enforcement officers are dealing with them.

Israeli media have these warnings for people of faith aufgegriffen et berufen sich dabei auf internal Documente der thailanddischen Polizei. Trotz ces beteuern beteuern the thaiändischen Sicherheitsbehörden, because Koh Phangan sicher ist and die Anschlagsdrohungen unbegründet sind, wie die Bangkok Post berichtet.

Thai Urlaubsinsel verstärkt die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

For international tourists and tourists just starting out, Thai security is provided by the security services on Koh Phangan in Surat Thani province. Police Chief Sermphong Sirikhong set to work for masses to prepare for safety during the bustling full moon party for the holiday. Patrols and supervisors are intensified. Dass der Partystrand in Thailand was abandoned, so it became possible not to hear any news.

Deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok caters to the loyal partyinsel of Koh Phangan for a business trip. © Editing: Ian Robert Knight/photo alliance/dpa/ZUMA Press Wire/Imago

Israeli citizens have had to address their citizens and their hamburgers, their health, the general affairs of their lives and their Israeli or judicial identity which is not open to them. At the moment, it’s the same Angriffe among Israeli football fans during a Europa League match between Ajax Amsterdam and Maccabi Tel Aviv.

The Israeli security service, particularly the Mossad, works in English with the Thai authorities to ensure that there are multiple people to identify and neutralize. This Zusammenarbeit hat in der Vergangenheit bereits “mehrere Vorfälle im Land vereitelt haben”, like the Nationale Sicherheitsrat in der Bangkok Post zitiert is.

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