
“Harmonization of the Rules, not of the Market”

“Harmonization of the Rules, not of the Market”

The European Telecommunications Market Regulatory Agency received a Niedrige award because “we have a problem in Europe,” said Renate Nikolay, Director General of the European Commission for Assistance to DG CNECT (English). for the Directorate General of Communications Networks, Content and Technology).

European Commission interventionist Thierry Breton said the problem was “at the political radar level,” Nikolay said. Darin hatte the French Ex-Commissar witherem a deregulator of the sectors sowie a konsolidierten, gesamteuropäischen Telekommunikationsmarkt vorgeschlagen.

And when Breton European policy passes through Fenster, it also has a broader approach to offenkundig. Die hatten im damals heftigen Gegenwind eingehandelt. Personal protection organizations and support organizations for ex-monopolists of the Telekom Deutschland company warn of their “Paradigmenwechsel” debate gestures. This is why the Wettbewerb was designed. Die Folgen wären weniger Auswahl, steigende Price und schlechterer Service, therefore die Sorge.

“We will ensure that European harmonization of wet services is ensured,” said Martin Weyand of the Bundesverbandes der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft bei der heutigen Podiumsdiskussion, von der Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen bei der Europäischen Union ausgerichtet wurde.

Digital Networks Act offenbar weiterhin geplant

For this Sorgen, it is the best thing than Anlass, therefore Nikolay. Offenbar in Anlehnung an die BEUC-Verbraucherschützerin Monique Goyens stehe keine “binäre Wahl zwischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit et Wettbewerb” before, says Nikolay. “We have no choice but to call on wet services,” says the high-ranking EU-Beamtin. But the EU must strive to meet environmental protection standards as well as safety and security standards, Nikolay said.

Die Kommission plant weiterhin einen Digital Networks Act (DNA). Soll zumindest einige der Ideen aus dem Whitebuch in ein neues Gesetz überführen. DNA must be regularized by regulatory authorities, who control and “deregulate them, that’s the best,” Nikolai said.

Am Ende soll ein “Gemeinsamer Markt für Konnektivität” entstehen. Beispielsweise sollte die bislang übliche national Versteigerung von Frequenznutzungsrechten im Mobilfunk überdacht werden. A click on the young, national zersplitterte und erneut billionenschwere Versteigerung der 5G-Lizenzen says Nikolay: “It’s just that it’s not the case.”

Berichte stellen EU-Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Frage

I am aware of the years spent by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, alongside the European Union authority, European wet insurance at the global market level, as well as the telecommunications sector. This is a big group, “European champions” and a real fragmentation, even if the market is not harmonized, which gives the opportunity to stand up with the United States and China .

Do you want to analyze the Samt Handlungsvorschlägen überhaupt? Michel Van Bellinghen as Vertreter von BEREC (Board of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), of the Gremium European Telco-Regulierungsbehörden, in Seine Zweifel. “I’m tall and I feel like the European model works well,” Van Bellinghen said. The EU has integrated good infrastructure with the 5G network, with Germany’s price as low as in the United States and greater Gigabit connectivity in other parts of the world, regulatory experts say.

“I don’t think the wet drink man can be steigern, but the wet drink man is reduced,” Van Bellinghen said. There is a “echte Probleme” in Europe, but it is “bedarf einer Harmonisierung der Geln, not einer Harmonisierung der Märkte”, according to Van Bellinghen.

And Social Democratic EU MP Matthias Ecke will not die of security problems without anyone realizing it. “We will help you see the merger for further investment,” Ecke told a central argument of the European Commission. Die Regulierung grenzüberschreitender Aktivitäten müsse reduziert werden, so Ecke, aber “das muss nicht zwangsläufig Fusionen beeuten”.

Telekom Deutschland wants an easy merger

Sympathy for the security of the European Commission by Jakob Greiner of Deutsche Telekom. Employers got the gut, although the American T-Mobile managed to do it, but in Europe it was reinvested, so Greiner. “We are going to undertake a reform of the rules for the merger,” Greiner said.

Zumindest had the Weißbuch a long debate about the sector and his own problem, a friend of Nikolay. So the EU-Rat has already written an einer Stellungnahme zu dem umstrittenen Whitebuch, was sehr ungewöhnlich wäre. “We will embark on an iterative process with stakeholders,” said the management committee of our Ablauf. An official EU rate position was also a point in this process to see, more debates will take place. “In business there is a problem, there is a problem, and I think there is another side of Schritt,” Nikolay says.