
New Zealand Duo can be recycled TPU-Schuh

New Zealand Duo can be recycled TPU-Schuh

A team of domestic designers took care of the protection against thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). Mit Verfahren wie 3D-Druck, Stricktechniken et Highfrequenzschweißung entstand ain Prototyp, der ohne Klebstoffe auskommt. This project, Welded Loop, is a monomaterial in technology technology that can be used for a recycling process.

The creators Suzanne Oude Hengel and Joris de GrootIf there are any special aspects of the Material Bearing Beitung, then the Konzept gemeinsam is realised. Oude Hengel, Gründerin von Knit in Motionimplemented with innovative textile designs, with a high transmission frequency for einsetzt art materials. Sie erkannten, the TPU-Garn sowohl for Textilien as well as for 3D-gedruckte Bauteile geeignet ist, was the Grundlage for your Ansatz bildete.

Traditionell gefertigte Schuhe bestehen meist aus einer Vielzahl von Materialien like Leder, Gummi, Textilien et Klebstoffen. These Materialvielfalt erschwert die Wiederverwertung erheblich. Recyclable materials such as TPU provide an interesting alternative alternative.

The first prototypes were released during Dutch Design Week. The company started with the development of TPU materials for a specific textile. 3D prints are very different, before textiles on a thermogelled form, with protection against scratches. The Sohle will be separated from the TPU filament and delivered with the Obermaterial verschweißt material.

The time has come to find the project in an experimental phase. Neben Schuhen möchten die Designer auch etere Produkte aus Monomaterial erforschen.

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