
EDEKA statt REWE and new functions ›

EDEKA statt REWE and new functions ›

After some advice in the REWE group in the Payback group, we learned how to use the hinges in such a way that the bonus programs are useful for the last interesting alternative year. Direkt vom 1. Januar an nimmt der EDEKA-Verbund bei Payback den Platz von REWE ein.

Retail is not EDEKA’s only market. The supermarkets Marktkauf, Netto Marken-Discount and Trinkgut are also the group of companies. The EDEKA-Verbund has been angekündigt, seine Kunden in den ersten Wochen mit speziellen Payback-Angeboten zu begrüßen.

Here you will also find actions such as those of REWE and Penny which implement reduction measures for Apple-Geschenkkarten cards, but which are abolished entirely. Payback-Nutzer kennen das Verfahren: Beim Kauf von Apple-Guthaben hat man im Rahmen ceser Aktionen die 20-fachen Rabattpunkte erhalten, was an indirect Preisnachlass von 10 Prozent entspricht.

“Payback Pay” only remains open

The return on investment will be an immediate result of a cooperation with sparkling start-ups. Please note that your partner is also the owner of Girocard Payback-Punkte on the same date.

Reimbursement will be made immediately after the date of payment, after which the payment will be made separately. The Payback app has already been created with one of the “Top 3 shopping apps in Germany” and has not yet been linked to a 700 partner, and it also has an overview of its functions.

Neben dem Sammeln et Einlösen von Punkten sowie dem Aktivieren von Coupons stellt Payback ganz besonders das Thema mobiles Bezahlen en den Vordergrund. “Payback Pay” allows you to benefit from mobile payment functions in Germany and allows you to benefit from this status sooner. Therefore, the features of the Payback application are no longer available offline, but also online.

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‎PAYBACK – Cards and coupons
Responsible: PAYBACK GmbH

Price: Free