
Das sind die 24 seltensten Karten et so hoch sind eure Chancen

Das sind die 24 seltensten Karten et so hoch sind eure Chancen

Welche Karten in Pokémon TCG Pocket, do I feel it?

In Pokémon TCG Pocket, it is a card, the people who take care of it find themselves and Sammler*innen heiß begehrt werden. Seltenheit is your suspended card with your Drop-Chance ab – also Wahrscheinlichkeit, with a Boosterpack at your disposal. We will listen to the 24 cards that will be played and played, as chance is, if they are played. Therefore, when it comes to this, we have a rare card that is rare and if it is too late, it is in the digital hands that it is used. (Stand: Erweiterung – Unschlagbare Gene)

Beachtet, dass die folgenden Karten ausschließlich als 4. or 5. Karte in einem Boosterpack erscheinen können. If you do not have any warnings, you should separate them.


Pokémon TCG Pocket Hat is a term and a way to bring this card to your TGC Live.


  • Map : Glurak-ex (A1 284)
  • Seltenheit: 🜲 (Crown-rare)
  • Fall rate and 4. Map: 0.013%, drop rate like 5. Card: 0.053%
  • in the pack: Glurak, Pikachu or Mewtu

Das Besondere an der Glurak-ex-Carte ist die Attacke ‘Feuerroter Sturm’, die mit 200 Schadenspunkten eurem/eurer Gegner*in sprichwörtlich ordentlich einheizt. The Glurak-ex-Karte for this powerful attack with a well-controlled energy point will be used for the ex-Karte washers in the suit. Mit ‘Infernotanz’ can be equipped with three energy sources generating power and therefore the fire of bridges.


  • Map : Pikachu-ex (A1 285)
  • Seltenheit: 🜲 (Crown-rare)
  • Fall rate and 4. Map: 0.013%, drop rate like 5. Card: 0.053%
  • in the pack: Glurak, Pikachu or Mewtu

The Pikachu-ex-Karte is incredibly effective, when you are in the bank and you have Electro-Pokémon. Pikachu can have up to two energy points at 90 levels. Mit 120 KP verfügt es außerdem über eine beachtliche Widerstandskraft et benötigt für den Rückzug lediglich einen Energiepunkt. Another insight into this card is that Pikachu is a basic Pokémon, it was added, as it is ready for the first time in the upcoming game.


  • Map : Mewtu-ex (A1 286)
  • Seltenheit: 🜲 (Crown-rare)
  • Fall rate and 4. Map: 0.013%, drop rate like 5. Card: 0.053%
  • in the pack: Glurak, Pikachu or Mewtu

Mewtu is one of the perks of a Basic Pokémon and can be obtained during the first run during Organized Play. With 150 KP and the powerful ‘Psycho-Antrieb’, the 150 Schadenspunkte verursacht, is in the Lage, quickly throwing Pokémon generated in a Zug to eliminate them. Allergies are here zu beachten, dass nach der Attacke 2energiepunkte verloren gehen, die erst wieder aufgefüllt werden müssen.


  • Map : Miau (A1 283)
  • Seltenheit: ☆☆☆
  • Vorausetzung: Kanto-Dex Usage Standard

For the Mew-Card, you must have the Kanto-Pokédex with all 150 Pokémon from the first generation, as well as the Pokémon from Bisasam up to Mewtu. Event Cards or Cards aus anderen Serien zählen hier nicht. This card is aufgrund diese Aufwands si selten.

If you want to go to the beach now and like all Kanto-Pokémon samples, we have an additional guide in this guide:

20 other seltene cards

The following 20 cards have once Erscheinungswahrscheinlichkeit von 0.05% on the 4th card and 0.2% on the 5th card I normal Boosterpack. For this awesome card, the Glurak and Pikachu packs are visible, and the Mewtu pack is an expanding card and the path for this card is included here.

Card with the Pikachu pack

Karten’s name Card number
Arkani-ex A1 254
Tortok-ex A1 256
Pikachu-ex A1 259
Zapdos-ex A1 260
Knuddeluff-ex A1 265
Foggy A1 267
Rocko A1 271
Major Bob A1 273
Zapdos-ex A1 276
Knuddeluff-ex A1 279

Card with the Glurak-Pack

Karten’s name Card number
Kokowei-ex A1 252
Glurak-ex A1 253
Lavados-ex A1 255
Starmie-ex A1 257
Machomei-ex A1 263
Erika A1 266
Pyro A1 268
Sabrina A1 272
Lavados-ex A1 274
Machomei-ex A1 278

An interesting image of the sogenannten divine packs: The lifespan, each Boosterpack of a God-Pack is equal to 0.05%. In one pack you will find all cards with salt supports. bis 🜲 (Crown-rare) gleich verteilt. I also have happiness, a God-Pack zu ziehen, you can be so dear to it, dass jede der fünf Karten mindsestens die Seltenheitsstufe hat.

Do you need one of your current health cards? Last of these are some people!

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