
Hain Celestial is moving into the New Year thanks to partnerships with Action for Children and FareShare for hunger protection.

With Ella’s Kitchen On-Pack promotions ® and Yorkshire Provender® Will Hain Celestial be a means of action for families, which must be used for environmental protection.

HOBOKEN, New Jersey, 4. December 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: HAIN), a global provider of health and wellness services, with its Better for You brand for a truly inspired lifestyle sich, der die jährigen The ideal time to commit to more positive services within the company’s development of the company with services and support services, thanks to two promotions On-Pack, the social organization Action for children and FareShare, for program management. Ernährungsunsicherheit beitragen.

On-pack promotions supporting Action for Children and FareShare via Hain Celestial’s Ella’s Kitchen product and Yorkshire Provender Soup this festive period.

Currently, the Food Foundation is one of two in Britain committed to protecting the environment with a view to reaching millions of children and three million children. Laut UNICEF-Bericht über die Ernährungskrise 2024 (2024 Global Report on Food Crises) has put 282 million people and hunger in 2023 quickly.

“Our company is in the world, with our “Better for you” – Marken ein gesünderes Leben für Menschen, Gemeinschaften and the Planeten zu fördern. Wir wissen, ass this Zeit des Jahres aine besondere Herausforderung für Für Familien sein kann, insbesondere für Family with “Little children, and we are looking for a convenient maintenance company, when we offer you services and services of ‘support, so they are safe and will allow you to use them,’ he said. Chris Jenkinsdirector of global impact at Hain Celestial Group. “Deshalb sind wir sehr stolz darauf, mit so großartigen Organizationen wie FareShare et Action for Children zusammenzuarbeiten, um wichtige Arbeit zu unterstützen und wichtigen wichtigen Unterschied für bedürftige Familien et Gemeinschaften zu machen.”

The following are some of the world’s largest sellers:

  • Ella’s Kitchen, Großbritanniens Nr. 1 for baby and children’s services¹ and Certified B Company, is working with Action for Children UK to provide a very clear job offer in packaging for children and families. So that I can purchase limited packaging for Ella’s Kitchen Sweet Corn and Carrot Melt Sticks, we recommend that you do so. 30 cents (California. 0.39 cents) directly to the Kinderhilfsorganization (solange der Vorrat reicht), for warm weather, warm store or special financing project. I offer extra years through On-Pack promotion over 91,000 UK dollars for organizing toddlers in Britain, children and young people and their families for a safe and happy family and young people .

  • Yorkshire Provender, a major suppension brand in Great Britain, is working with FareShare, the large Landes social organization, against hunger and the fight against poverty, with a budget of 125,000 hot dollars for the well-being of the country. financial. The action is also the Verpackung abgebildet and Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher können einen zusätzlichen Beitrag leisten, indem sie sie infach dem QR-Code auf the Rückseite folgen. This pack promotion is the first time Yorkshire Provender has been offered with FareShare.