
Sparkassenchef has great help for social projects

Sparkassenchef has great help for social projects

Leipzig. For etwa 20 social projects from Leipzig and the region launched the LVZ action “A Light in Advent” this month. Children and young people in the society or family should be informed on this day of the emphasis: they have different initiatives and organizations – for their work and support. The head of the Leipzig Sparkassen, Harald Langenfeld, ensures that the Schwächsten der Gesellschaft mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Das Geldinstitut has been a preferred partner of the LVZ-Spendenaktion for years.

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Mr. Dr. Langefeld, 2024 will be with all the Krisen and Kriegen as one of their dunkles Jahr in die Geschichte einzugehen. Will many spending actions like “A Light in Advent” lead you to make plans?

Auf jeden Fall! Gerade in schwierigen Zeiten ist wichtig, Zuversicht zu verbreiten et insbesondere die Menschen zu aterstützen, die dringend Hilfe benötigen. Jeder Beitrag zählt. And it was on the first Blick that we could find a very interesting magazine – for the operating company and for all people. Then we will see you and you will find other things, then you will stark with the Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl. And we have Gutes tut, wer anderen Freude macht, der macht sich also self Freude.

Is anxiety a ratgeber schlechter – but we can do it through all Mut and Zuversicht win?

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Was also immersed in the past world – it is in my Augen wichtig, genau hinzusehen. Damit meine ich, sich self ein zu machen, Dinge zu Hinterfragen, sich breit zu informieren et auf seinen gesunden Menschenversstand zu vertrauen. Was also what is: Sich nicht nur mit negativen Nachrichten und Bildern auseinanderzusetzen, sondern bewusst auch den Blick auf die positiven Dinge, die in der Welt passsieren, zu lenken. Michimt es zum Beispiel optimistisch, dass sich immer more Menschen in Deutschland ehrenamtlich engagieren. Die Wohlfahrtverbände etwa verzeichnen en den letzten Jahren einen starken Mitgliederzuwachs. In this day and age, the old men’s clothing will be active, the world and the little ones will be able to do so.

During this year we will offer you lessons and lessons to spend other expenses for children within the Swiss family services, at the office level, Caritas and Diakonie or within the social association and a new financed house. Are you working, when are the little ones in the operating company looking to work?

The 20th cycle of social projects and initiatives in Leipzig and the region was bitten by the LVZ action “A light in Advent” to spend, damit Menschen in Not geholfen werden kann.

Mich bewegen ce Schicksale sehr. It is indeed “A bottle is not as hard as its schwächstes Glied”. Das trifft auch auf eine Gesellschaft zu. It is necessary that our Verantwortung sein, the Schwächsten besonders zu schützen. Kinder brauchen ein Zuhause. And also when an education or a business can have a family, so this is a huge problem, which is going to do everything, damit Kinder jeden Alters sicher aufwachsen können. Here you listen to Caritas, Diakonie and other institutions as well as the Social Association with many absolute support services that have a social direction. And deshalb ist jeder Cent hier genau richtig investiert.

Another problem is that Zahl von Obdachlosen, who has problems with the expenses that help you do this. How could a city of Leipzig achieve better results?

I am doing this, because it is a very old and rich initiative of our city: the business council of the center of Leipzig, the Sparkasse of Leipzig to have for years a financial expenditure which supports, but also cash flow expectations with hot working hours and Getränken oder Unterkünfte für obdachlose Mitbürger. In our Sparkasse, get involved in old colleges. First of all, you’ll need to know what to do with your clothes. Die Gründe, warum Menschen in die Obdachoder Wohnungslosigkeit geraten, sind vielfältig. The Vorurteile or Annahmen are often found during the Tagesordnung, jedoch fehl am Platz. Jeder Mensch hat die gleiche Würde. This is not available and cannot be believed by other men. Afterwards, you have to wait for the men to die, but if you do so, you should respect them, you should know them, you should be careful – if you do, you will be able to do so. Gerade in these unsicheren Zeiten wie den heutigen können Menschen schnell in Notlagen geraten. This is certainly the main thing, it is the most widespread study program here in Leipzig and it will be our management.

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Sparkasse itself is committed to supporting charitable projects. Welche Hilfe ist Ihnen perönlich wichtig? What is it costing you yourself?

The “A Light in Advent” action is a wonderful idea, I hope it is also an early initiative. My wife and I are accompanying you during our days at the Villa Auguste Hospital in Stötteritz. Die Einrichtung begleitet Menschen mit unheilbaren Erkrankungen in ihrer letzten Lebensphase et steht dabei auch ihren Angehörigen et Freunden mit besonder Achtsamkeit bei.

The LVZ action “A Light in Advent” will take place in its warehouse in the coming months – it will also be very useful for the support and management of Sparkasse Leipzig. Will you also be at the Jubiläumsjahr with your partners as partners?

The safety of social men and women in our management company and corporate activities takes place in the DNA of our Sparkasse. Supporting institutions, actions and projects of several institutions allows them to carry out their work, so that it is carried out by Herzen. Dazu zählt auch die Spendenaktion “A light in Advent. » I am sure that I will also be in the Jubilee Day to help that a light in Advent is lighted.