
SPORT1 erwirbt Bundesliga-Paket

SPORT1 erwirbt Bundesliga-Paket

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SPORT1 erwirbt Bundesliga-Recht

SPORT1 will also feature in last year’s partnership with the DFL. The TV transmitter is sure to receive a package for the Bundesliga-Rechte.

SPORT1 will also feature in last year’s partnership with the DFL. The TV transmitter is sure to receive a package for the Bundesliga-Rechte.

Good information for all football fans! The Rechte-Ausschreibung of the DFL for the year 2025 to 2029 is planned – and SPORT1 It is possible to join the Vergangenheit and Verlässlicher Partner of the German Football League. SPORT1 Hat zum Abschluss des Rechte-Pokers das Paket K erworben!

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This exclusive offer Highlight-Rechte im Free-TV and im Simulcast-Livestream on and der SPORT1 App an den Zusammenfassungen der Freitag- und Samstagspiele der Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga for a Nachverwertung am Sonntag 2hr and 15 Hour.

The highlights of the Freitags- and Samstags-Partiens took place from 2025/26 to 2028/29 in Sonntagvor- und -nachmittag in the “Bundesliga Pur” and naturally at the “STAHLWERK Doppelpass” – the German public Fußballtalk has been taking place since 1995 on Stammplatz at 11 a.m. and at 2025 at 30. Geburtstag.

Dr. Matthias Kirschenhofer, Co-CEO of Sport1 Medien AG and Geschäftsführer der Sport1 GmbH sagt: “We will be happy to have at least 30 years for the Bundesliga partner to be the best. The high Erfolg marked a Meilenstein and the start of football as Kernsportrecht our Programstrategie. Our biggest golden in the DFL for the long-term and competitive organization – and the SPORT1 team organized for the außerordentliche and leidenschaftliche commitment!“

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And Annika Rody, director of media rights, said: “SPORT1 bleibt weiterhin #mittendrin und stolzer Partner der Bundesliga. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei unser ‚Doppelpass’: Deutschlands Fußball-Talk Nr. 1st day of the 2025/26 season which will take place during the Geburtstag and which will also be planned under Flaggschiff. We will create our innovative Berichterstattung and enable us to keep the 30-year tradition of the Bundesliga in the stronghold of football fans.