Chemisches Recycling von PET: The best recycling complex in Nashik, India has been published for the quarter 2025 ausgebaut werden. (Image: Revalyu)

Revalyu Resources, active in chemical recycling of PET with a global approach, in Nashik, India, a new recycling company worldwide. With an investment of 100 million. US-Dollar wird die Productionskapazität am Standort auf insgesamt 280 t recycle PET pro Tag gesteigert – Now it is a global record of Chemistry Recycling of Post-Consumer PET. An Revalyu ist deutsche Technologieunternehmen Heraeus beteiligt.

Chemical recycling: so efficient and resource-saving

The new study from Nashik is based on a strong chemical recycling technology based on Glykolysis. This is therefore post-consumer PET, and therefore plastic bottles, chemicals and recycled PET chips. These services offer interesting advantages:

  • 75% of the waste water content of the herkömmlichen PET production,
  • 91% of the energy contribution,
  • Skalierbarkeit and Reproduzierbarkeit thanks to highly automated processes.

Chemical recycling is easy, PET is used in a polymer, which matches conventional PET in quality and use. Recycled PET finds solutions in packaging, textiles, apparel, bottles and other polyester-based products.

Recycles PET aus der Anlage in Industrie: Künftig könne man mit der gesteigerten Kapazität vor Ort bis zu zu 280 t am Tag verarbeiten. (Image: Revalyu)

Do you have any information about the new PET recycling company?

The new venture in Nashik has two production lines with a jewelry capacity of 120 tonnes of recycled PET per label. The first line is published in the letter, the second time in the text of the following quarter 2025. As a result of the best recycling, the 40 t pro Tag is produced, but the Standard is not suitable for the 280 t pro Tag. The Verarbeitung’s commitment amounts to more than 35 million. Gebrauchten Plastic Flaschen täglich.

Recycling technology is an enterprise entscheidenden zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Recycled PET is the conventional PET in fossil materials Rohstoffen in terms of quality and use in harsh conditions. Dr. Vivek Tandon, Director of Revalyu Resources, said of the new study: “Our patented glycolysis technology is compatible with PET art products and the most efficient for recycling. This is a revolutionary moment for the recycling industry and a real schritt for a business today.

Jan van Kisfeld, from the Geschäftsführer der Revalyu Group, said: “This study takes place, the recycling of chemicals is cost-effective and the most efficient ecological use time. Our PET recycling may not be done using PET or Polyester. We will help you understand Kunden, help you achieve your goals and reduce green working time.

Kunststoffrecycling: Der big Überblick

(Image: Bits and Splits –

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Neben derweiterung in Indian plant Revalyu, seine Kapazitäten weltweit auszubauen. Bereits 2027 soll in den USA a largest chemical recycling company with a capacity of 240 t pro Tag in Betrieb genommen werden. Until 2030, the companies will have an industrial production of more than 1,000 tons for Tag steigern.

Quelle: Heraeus

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