
Campaign umstritten, Auto cool: Alles neu: Jaguar Type 00 – der eckt an

Campaign umstritten, Auto cool: Alles neu: Jaguar Type 00 – der eckt an

Jaguar hat es geschafft, mit einer skurrilen Medienkampagne von sich reden zu machen. Was there any doubt that entrepreneur Elon Musk was responsible for Jaguar Autos’ trip? war live dabei.

Was it the Jaguar Flower? La Rede is a Neustart. And this was the generation that groomed women to see models in schrill-bunten outfits. Mehr Laufsteg and Rennstrecke as well. Who is Daraus Schlau?

The Botschaft has a Radikalen Veränderung ist jedenfalls zu erahnen, wenn, wie im Video zu sehen, der Vorschlaghammer zum Einsatz kommt et neue Sprüche gepinselt werden. This is a typical example of “don’t copy anything” or “break the mold”. Let’s say it’s so old that we “have been talking about it and it’s already there”. And when the man today is head of design, Gerry McGovern, with rockiger leather jackets, comes up to you and see, the man told you he had a big satire show. Naturally, it is possible to do so.

I’m Netz Kursieren schon Memes, in the Type 00 with the Rolls-Royce Specter now, and in the Tat lassen sich erstaunlich ähnliche Elemente entdecken. But hey, Gerry is a cooler guy, with the same language, and British humor is also the best. It is true that the action is not that stupid and is an even more clever public relations stunt in form that reaffirms the guerrilla marketing in the book. While Tesla chief Elon Musk is on a page for Platform , or?

The devil of the Type 00 concept study has emerged as the devil of the legendary Jaguar E-Type.

(Photo: Jaguar)

Okay, that’s a really bad thing. And also the Markenclubs, denen der Auftritt dann doch 2 Nummern zu wake erschien. And the man who was presented during the renowned “Miami Art Week” in Miami Beach had a minute of the new brand of the word “Jaguar”, which must also meet his expectations.

The new Schriftzug seems to be the one in the Bronzegold gehaltenen Ton and with its own distinctive modern Schriftart – I find it, but there is no Geschmacksache either. A single (white) man who has 50 years of experience with the Jaguar available if you wish. bewertet im britischen Coventry, de la Jaguar-Zentrale.

Jaguar will be so available, it’s an exclusive

So it’s old news of the new brands. But was this Sache’s throw? Richtig, Jaguar wird sich verändern. Man cann die new Ausrichtung als Zäsur begreifen or old einfach nur als Rückbesinnung auf alte Werte – demnach gar etwas Conservatives. Denn dass Jaguar in den letzten Jahren quickly as Vollsortimenter bis in die Niederungen der Mittelklasse mit E-Pace et XE, war keineswegs immer so. Is this really luxury? And Jaguar is a luxury market! Does time pass, should the brand have a higher class limousine (XJ) and a sports car model, the XJS, auskommen – but it is also not that of the masses and that of the margin (American company)? Please note that the current models are new and are new.

And the concept was designed by the new Jaguar-Limousine twice later. The following changes are possible and are subject to change.

(Photo: Jaguar)

Gestartet wird mit einem noblen Viertürer mit rein elektrischem Antrieb. After two years of non-use, you will have to wait twice for two years. Hört man Jaguar-Manager, könnte man meinen, die long zeitliche Lücke sei gewollt. Doch Kenner is skeptical. Schließlich stand bereits ein XJ-Nachfolger in den Startlöchern, bis man das Konzept prompt verwarf. And also the implementation of the electric electric revolution darf angezweifelt werden. This Jaguar is at war with the full Stromer I-Pace, therefore fast and revolutionary. The Allerdings ist of the technical Basis and which has been verified, is taken in Germany at the current time. Dafür ist die Vorfreude auf the new Auto jetzt oldeicht etwas größer.

And we wish that a man so free, that the brand was skiing with them in Miami Beach, designed the concept type 00. Is war unique to 00? Neustart and null Emissionen, na klar. Aber Sie wissen schon, was der Raum 00 bedeutet. Die Briten beweisen eben Humor. Nein, Spaß beiseite. When the closest series models (sure also in silver or black lack color to inhabit it) the central design company of the coolem London Blau and the style Miami Pink present aufnimmt studies, the most traditional of the fans of Jaguar being Jaguar fans. Denn die lange Motorhaube et das fließend auslaufende Heck wecken Erinnerungen an den legendary E-Type. And das wäre doch nicht si schlecht.

Type 00 eckt an im wahren Sinne des Wortes. The concept is versatile and round. Angeblich soll die Studie dem Serienmodell viel vorwegnehmen. Doch word sich künftig der Leaper verstecken? On the flanks or on the front of the Front?

(Photo: Jaguar)

Please note that the Verbrenner-Ära of the Jaguar brand is not yet jetzigem Stand vorbei sein. It is therefore a construction model integrated within the company Jaguar Electric Architecture (JEA) with attractive dates. The route is covered by 770 WLTP kilometers in real time and fast charging (more than 300 kilometers in 15 minutes). Add the new GT to its original Jaguar version. Fragt sich, wie die Marke in Zukunft wirtschaftlich existentieren kann, deren Einstiegsmodel schon deutlich jenseits der 100,000-Euro-Schwelle liegen.

Rawdon Glover, managing director of the Jaguar brand, does not yet have a plan of action for the new lease, but the brand in the company is positioning itself for the best. Margin statt Masse, könnte man also wisen. Ob es mit deutlich geringeren Verkaufsvolumen gelingt, künftig Geld zu verdienen, bleibt spannend. Allergies can cause electricity costs. Nur must also lose the purchase price.

Im Gegensatz zur Campagne rntet der Type 00 positive Stimmen. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das also für die Serienausgabe gelten wird. The start of the market first took place in the last two months of 2026.

(Photo: Jaguar)

Older versions of the Presentation are not included in the Chart but are due to the fact that they are in Zukunft läuft. Dort wird noch einmal gezeigt, dass der Konzern die Modellnamen “Defender”, “Discovery” y “Range Rover” – alles Begriffe der Marke Land Rover – ass eigene Brands versstanden wissen will (was a bisschen without sin klingt, but in the gut ). And anyone is already auch “Jaguar” as the oldest dazu label. In the “JLR” association, also Jaguar and Land Rover, the Jaguar strategy is very useful. And we, of course, will be the new Jaguar-Limousine and we will strive to make them work like BMW, Mercedes and Porsche with a single expense of abstraction. Trotz und nicht wegen des elektrischen Antriebs womöglich.

There is no single radical conception of brand designs here, according to Sir William Lyons of Entrepreneurs in January 1922. Creations like the old XF are those of the later XJ, as well as the X351, were created by Schockwellen within the traditional Kundschaft during the last years of their conception. There is still a lot to know: the Leaper, as well as the spring Jaguar, appear as the logo on the brand’s new vehicles. Isn’t there just one thing the Jaguar-Fahrern conservatives can do?