
A gadget worth 40 euros that allows another stereo for a modern music streamer

A gadget worth 40 euros that allows another stereo for a modern music streamer

Modern stereo systems often use the home via Bluetooth. Bei älteren Modellen lässt sich aber nachhelfen. (Photo: Kzenon –

Musikliebhaber wissen: Gute Lautsprecher halten ewig. Das ore auch für Stereoanlagen, die, gut gepflegt, locker mehrere Jahrzehnte durchhalten.

Allerdings entwickelt sich die Technik weiter. CDs are for many people of Gestern. You need to use music streaming often. The function is natural, when the Bluetooth process is completed – and the connection option is the same when it is not dropped.

This is a simple and convenient way to stream your music with Handy Music.

With Bluetooth-Empfänger in die Zukunft

The following: Bluetooth-Adapter, die als Audio-Empfänger dienen. A solution cannot be used in other areas, such as in the Euro stereo with Bluetooth aufzurüsten – and even more so, this will not be the case.

The Bluetooth audio amplifier is perfectly suited for two uses.

  • Even the simplest buttons are no more practical, with a socket and a button to activate Bluetooth.
  • In addition, some features include special features and other features that may also be used by TV users.

The kurzum bedeutet: The gadgets are specially designed for the nuts, light and simplicity of your machen wollen Bluetooth connection, as well as the result of light audio quality.

And this means that all variations do not exist.

Three audio amplifiers as an example

Logitech Bluetooth Audio Cable Empfänger: Der Name ist Programm, denn viel more macht das Kästchen nicht – et muss es aussi nicht. Through a drawstring or 3.5mm cable, grip and impact the button with the cell phone, tablet or laptop streams music. Free codecs like aptX cannot be used for usage purposes. Price: 40 euros.

Avantree Oasis Plus: You will have better quality with a high-level Bluetooth connection, which will allow you to use the best operating systems. The large size (up to 50 meters), touch screen, metalwork and aptX configuration are found in large installations with drin – going back and forth is not easy to achieve, so inside the corner. Price: 60 euros.

The power adapter like the Avantree allows you to do this with the TV, a movie and a series with an awesome Bluetooth player.


The Sony WF-1000XM5: in-ear headphones with effective noise cancellation!

UGREEN Bluetooth 5.0 adapter: Es gibt auch besonders schmale Versionen, die kaum Platz verbrauchen. This variant is the clearest on a cable, the jewels on a connection cable with USB connector. Damit lässt sich the Adapter beispielsweise auch im Auto einsetzen, erfordert aber zwingend beide anschlüsse am endgerät et bei USB ist das bei alten Anlagen often nicht gegeben. Price: 15 euros.

6 tips for having your own soundbar for optimal sound

With a Bluetooth adapter, you can use another stereo for installation. Während Audiophile vermutlich weiterhin auf CDs setzen werden, hauchen Music-Streaming-Liebhaber ihrer Anlage neues Leben ein.

Do you want your Bluetooth audio adapter? Does Welche Anlage have your house? Schreibt is germ in the comments.

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