
Wie Truls Moregardh de Cybershape-Hype auslöste | Partner | Services |

Wie Truls Moregardh de Cybershape-Hype auslöste | Partner | Services |

Wie Truls Moregardh de Cybershape-Hype auslöste

Truls Moregardh machte das eckige Holz weltweit bekannt. (©STIGA)

05.12.2024 – Our partner STIGA hat 2021 with the Cybershape a new, revolutionary Tischtennis-Holz with a single, sechseckigen Form auf den Markt gebracht, which is also established hat. It was also the Swiss superstar Truls Moregardh who realized that she was a kind of Hype with the ausgelöst product. More information on the installation to see “STIGA Inside” twice.

This is a board that does not allow a tennis player to meet: Truls Moregardh and Cybershape! Im Jahr der Einführung stattete STIGA seine dams noch weniger bekannten Vertragsspieler mit dem völlig neuen, revolutionären, sechseckigen Holz aus. In November 2021, the last individual WM will take place in Switzerland with regular hype and innovation, as well as the 19th anniversary ladies, were finalists in the era of time (world list-77) in the United States in level of the master of the world and of Turnier. Life number of the World verließ. Moregardh is also present in the Top 10 festival and is a little more international for the crown: Paris 2024. Thanks to the Olympia-Medaillen, the Boom of a person and a Markenzeichen, the Cybershape, await us.

Lawyers know that they are on unique talk shows, today’s media turns to their friends. “The Houston War had a bigger push for us, but the Olympia did. This is truly the Superstar that awaits us in Sweden and Europe,” said Andreas Zandrén, CEO of STIGA Sports within Zugpferd in 2016. The Geschäftsführer is preparing to create a critical tone regarding the development of the new “unique” Cyberforms A marketing gag was not created, but Zandren declared that its ohne jeden Tischtennis-Hintergrund nach elf Jahren als Produktentwickler beim schwedischen Familienunternehmen “BabyBjörn” zu STIGA wechselte.

Langer Prozess von 2016 bis 2021: Forschung, Patent, Gewichte

The idea is here to last until Jahren. Was the next war a long research process, a wetter study, the first design studies of the UVM – with the standard page in the background: Is the war proper among the men? The old answer: „Es war immer so et ist einfach so“, wusste auch Zandrén et schloss mit alten Wahrheiten endgültig ab. “Wir wollten etwas Anderes machen und dachten uns: , Last es uns einfach entwickeln'”. When first clicked on prototyping, only one prototype was shown during a presentation like Skepsis. Jonas Wilen, Product Manager at STIGA, told the editorial staff: “Nach zehn, 15 Sekunden konnte man an den Augen der Leute das Interesse erkennen. »

Control and simulation tests, methods and simulations, studies on language, vibrations and studies at the Stockholm Higher School of Technology offer only one exercise, as far as the training of professionals, for other forms of learning and stability of new knowledge. Spielgefühl“ erleben sollen. In China, it is already possible to travel to Houston Kopien gegeben, therefore the STIGA-Chefetage. “Allergies don’t come from big brands,” says Zandrén, from Cybershape with patent protection. “The players are more, the balance zu verändern,” says sales manager Jens Lundquist. The Ehemalige Nationalspieler is himself once again like Profi and he knows that with high performance there is not much to do, some in the skin gestures can do the best.

Moregardhs Mut with belohnt

The two Olympia-Teilnehmer teams have the task of ensuring that the first stop is “etwas seltsam” angefühlt hätte, “beim ersten Ball aber war schon nichts more fremd”. For all children and young people in Sweden, Cybershape has a “außergewöhnlichen Erscheinung” well, the Begeisterung is great. Neben Moregardh also has many STIGA board games, led by Christina Källberg or Hana Goda, with the Cybershape strategy. Das Aushängeschild aber bleibt derzeit beste Schwede. Since January 22, 2021, a video robot company from furniture accessories manufacturers has been very fast and 100 percent safe, on the street with the Cybershape so that it is able to navigate the wood with a percentage of more optimized elf. Oberen Bereich des Schlägerblattes besitzt.

This is the Champions League match of 1. FC Saarbrücken-TT with the Cybershape Carbon (Griff) and two DNA-Belägen (Platinum XH 2.3 mm) on the game pages. “The Tatsache, I am with a Schläger brandneuen so gut plays konnte, hat mein Selbstvertrauen gestärkt. “Der Hype um Cybershape hat also richtig Spas gemacht,” published Moregardh within the Startschuss in Houston. Inzwischen brings the Cybershape aufmerksamkeit außerhalb es Tischtennissports. The STIGA hat is also available in the table tennis market. Durch den steilen, sportlichen Aufstieg von Truls Moregardh ist der Run auf das einst als “Stoppschild” abgestempelte Cybershape weiter groß.

In our series “STIGA Inside” we present to you the other three most interesting women, interesting topics.

Also read:

STIGA Inside 1: History of the latest tests of the world’s TT brand
STIGA-Cybershape Products: Schnelles Holz mit einzigartiger Form
Interview Waldner/Appelgren: “Truls spielt einfach anders, er ist keine Maschine”

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