
Tempest Rising: End of Release Party

Tempest Rising: End of Release Party

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During the PC Gaming Show, the Saber Interactives 3D Realms label and Knights Peak Interactive presented the Release-Terminal of “Tempest Rising”. Das mit Spannung erwartete Echtzeit-Strategiespiel will be officially announced on April 24, 2025 on PC. The title inspired by RTS classics from the 90s and 2000s is about basic machines, resource management and support tasks zwischen einzigartigen Fraktionen im Einzel- und Mehrspielermodus auf.

“Tempest Rising” was released in a 1997 camp, an alternative line, in the Kubak’s rise for atomic war. In Folge des Krieges breitete sich eine seltsame, rote, electric Ranke über den Planeten aus. These “Storms” represent a phenomenon that extends over the nature of the story. Eine uralte Spezies, die sogenannten Veti, erwachten dadurch aus ihrem Schlummer.

In two epischen campaigns, “Tempest Rising” was created with two einzigartiger fractions, die beide tiefgründige et belohnende Spielmechaniken bieten. Hygiene measures and rich strategy can be found here der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. The integrated support options are individual and individual support options. For the passenden sound you will find the legendary composer of “Command & Conquer” Frank Klepacki.

Which: Knights Peak Interactive
