
I was in two months of the 13th major European district – the last two allowed me to sleep longer

I was in two months of the 13th major European district – the last two allowed me to sleep longer

Während un sechsmonatigen Europareise habe ich mir die “Slow Travel” -Mentalität zu eigen gemacht, die Reisende dazu ermutigt, sich an jedem Ort, den sie besuchen, viel Zeit zu nehmen. Das war mir wichtig, denn ich wollte die Orte, et denen ich mich aufhielt, wirklich kennenlernen.

I have 13 major cities in the Länder, such as the Vereinigten Königreich, Frankreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz and den Niederlanden erkundet.

Here I am in the European city, falling asleep again, and looking to preview my online Bucket List

Edinburgh Castle, located near the side of a cliff, at dusk.

Emily Pogue

I am my friend and I mich darauf, Edinburgh is by my side

If your city is mittelalterlich anmutende im Vereinigten Königreich such as it is the best city in Edinburgh like the Schottische Hauptstadt.

I am fascinated by the different designs of elements in various architectural styles. For all, Edinburgh Castle sits high above the city and there are many buildings nearby.

Edinburgh can also be found in a fundraising fund, namely Mary King’s Close, on a street open on January 17, or on a Whiskey-Tour, to find out more about the different regional selections of Scotch-Sorten.

While the foods are more moist, I have prepared them and over-prepared them with their hot chocolate. I am a fan of the one that is the Kakao in the combination with a donut and one of the city’s unique pastries of the perfect Nachmittagssnack.

A canal in Amsterdam, lined with barges, trees, cars and buildings. There are pink and white flowers in a flower box in the foreground.

Emily Pogue

I can do it, no more Amsterdam in the description

Amsterdam has the Ruf einer Partystadt, for all its efforts for marijuana and the Rotlichtviertel. Obwohl Amsterdam definitiv ein guter Ort est, pour sich zu zu üsieren, que la ville est si viel plus zu bieten.

My shopping centers allowed me to discover the tourist hotspots of my country. A person interested in the Spaziergang entlang der Grachten führte mich zu den Foodhallen.

This is a large shopping market, where sushi, a corndog and a snack Holländischen Bitterballen (kleine Fleischkroketten), are available.

When I am a famous Orte wagte, then one of the art and art museums in question. My favorites are those from the Van Gogh Museum and Anne Frank’s House, which are next to their favorite ideas and items.

However, it has also fallen, if the city is in the last European countries, it has to be, unterscheidet. Fahrräder and Boote are the wichtigsten Verkehrsmittel, mit denen man die Stadt wunderbar erkunden kann.

Buildings in Zurich near a river on a partly cloudy day.

Emily Pogue

Obwohl ich Zürich gerne besucht habe, werde ich es bei meiner nächsten Reise in die Schweiz wahrscheinlich auslassen

Zürich is a wonderful city, and with a Teller Currywurst am Seeufer zu sitzen, war for mich ein Erlebnis der Spitzenklasse. I am Vergleich zu den anderen Orten, die ich besucht habe, empfand ich die Stadt als teuer.

Le Hauptgrund, warum ich nicht zurückkehren werde, sind jedoch Zürichs beneidenswerte Nachbarn: die Dörfer der Schweizer Alpen. In our new Stunden you can have the städtische Umgebung verlassen and in Orte wie Wengen and Mürren gelangen, diekt aus einem Märchenbuch stammen.

A castle with a flag on a hill covered in greenery.

Emily Pogue

Nächstes Mal Werde Ich Cardiff andere Teile von Wales Besuchen

One of the headquarters of the city of Wales is because of the war against Cardiff Castle and the complex did not allow me to do that.

I had the opportunity to do this since the year 2000, from another family of men to an underground bunker, which took place in the two-year world war.

But my work in the Cardiff Rest War is not that intense. Obwohl mir die viktorianischen et edwardianischen Arkaden gefielen, fühlte sich the Stadtzentrum wegen des herumliegenden Mülls schmuddelig an.

Suffice to say that I am the Gefühl, but that in the Umgebung there is no other activity to do. At 400 Schlössern, the location of the country is close to me, which means that the abgelegeneren areas of Wales are working.

So that the original article was published by Business Insider.