
Beijing interview with Trump’s men for his two words

Beijing interview with Trump’s men for his two words

In Europe, people are going to die from Donald Trump in the White House. In Asia, in China, the Wiederwahl dagegen positiv für sich nutzen. Australian strategy expert Hugh White realized that Beijing was really the winner of the American war and was for Taiwan and South Korea.

Message: What do you think about the current situation in the Asian region?

Hugh White: This is a critical moment, where the man tackles the situation, which the Biden-Regierung wants. While Biden has the greatest power, it will be highly visible during the chaotic, unprecedented year of Trump administration policy for everyone at home in North Korea and the United States in Asia. Men are mobilizing to ensure the stability and commitment of the region. Doch obwohl Bidens Rhetorik weniger alarmerend war, führte sie pas zu wesentlichen politischen Änderungen. The United States does not have its military position in Asia and does not have a strategy to adapt to the situation in China. There are discussions around a Quad and an Aukus, but they are not as strong as the strategic rules. And in South Korea, the Biden government has no sense of North Korea’s nuclear security.

Do you also want to know if Biden’s policies trigger war?

Yes, in the vielerlei Hinsicht. Trotz weniger konfrontativer Sprache ist es Biden nicht gelungen, die Position der USA in Asia substanziell zu ändern. The fact that the government of the protective policy of the Trump-Ara fortgesetzt and sogar verstärkt was the head of the world government wants it. The cramped states of Asia do not have the United States’ longest commitments in the region.

What is the role of Länder like China?

The trip targets the war of protectionism, dissatisfied with China. Zölle auf Chinas Waren verschärfen die wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten des Landes. But the Strategic Front sees China as an opportunity. If the United States is placed at the level of internal centers of convergence and protectionism, China can be presented as a stable partner. There are young leaders like the G20-Gipfel, with Xi Jinping who is the best Führer to present.

Europe is so well understood in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and other geopolitical realities.

How to overtake Europe every day?

Europe is so well understood in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and its other geopolitical realities. Now it’s best to say that Idee darin, sich gegen den Einfluss Russlands and Chinas zur Wehr zu setzen, doch nun denken viele Länder neu darüber nach. The telephone is of both the German Bundeskanzler and Putin in tune with the times, Europe is up to the task, Russia has a hand in the region on security. So there are Chinese ambitions in Asia in countries like Australia and Japan which are at the origin of the situation: they are preparing to engage in stopping the United States in China to ensure stability sustainable economy.

Could it be the best of the US-Wahl people who are taking advantage?

Kurzfristig erweist sich China als Hauptnutznießer. Trumps protectionist Politik untergräbt Americans wirtschaftlichen Einfluss, während China sein Rolle als wichtiger globaler Acteur festigt. This journey is so good, that the old Asian states and Europe begin, China is a noted partner and is not a rival.

With Trump, American European policy would be defenseless and defenseless, was China as attractive as possible

Glauben Sie, what big solutions does Trump have to adopt?

Trumps Rückkehr mag wie ein Wandel erscheinen, aber sein Ansatz ist paradox. There are hardliners with China engaging around the world, but stopping some people is not a confrontational response. I am amazed by the Führer like Xi Jinping. Dies führt zu Wirrung darüber, wie Asia mit den USA zusammenarbeiten wird. Während seine Regierung beim Handel möglicherweise a plushärtere Linie verfolgt, könnte Trumps Stil dazu führen, assian Länder asian heher azu snowen, direct mit China zu verhandeln, da sie ihn als weniger entschlossen ansehen, China strategisch entgegenzutreten.

Also don’t you think China is expanding into political country under a new Trump regime and Boden is taking care of it?

I think China is the winner’s winner here. The Australian Brazilian within the Seidenstraßen project is a small motorboat, but only has one place where there are large images. China is an attractive land, with the man who can sell it, who is with America who is Swiss, to sell it. For all people in the region, China is cautious and self-centered, but it is also in a country, with its own means, and it is in a country, with its own resources, of the Seine. Politics in Vergleich For the independent politics of the United States under Trump, it is better and safe to be. There are also protection measures from the Länder regarding exports from China, with trade from China for Chinese investments or investments.

The Chinese globalist Einfluss will also be more attentive…

Yes, the United States is taking an uncontrollable approach. With Trump having America’s defenseless and defenseless foreign policy, China had become very attractive. There are many Chinese ambitions that want China to become a privileged partner. Trotz seines Eigeninteresses tendiert Chinas Politik dazu, anderen Ländern, insbesondere in Asia, wirtschaftliche Chancen zu bieten. Under Trump, the American home is at the height of security within its own interests and its space for global security.

North Korea Fortschritte in der Raketentechnologie, insbesondere bei Interkontinentalraketen, haben das strategische Gleichgewicht dramatisch verändert

How is this trip going in terms of security in Taiwan?

Taiwan’s position is definitely Trump’s if it is safe. This is an Ambivalenz hinsichtlich der Verteidigung Taiwans. This occurred within Nationaler Sicherheitsberater John Bolton and Trump’s general argument, as Taiwan opposed the United States for legitimate military intervention. Trumps Haltung gegenüber Taiwan, gepaart mit seiner priorisierung der direct Interessen Amerikas, macht Taiwan anfälliger.

Was it North Korea that gave its best? Who died from the Gleichgewicht in Ostasie?

North Korea has developed a strong strategy in catch-up technology, integrated with intercontinental catch-up, which has adopted a strategic drama approach. The Nuclear Protection Act of the USA for South Korea is also not supported. North Korea’s economy, the United States with nearby atomists, complete the system and South Korea takes care of it. It would appear that South Korea’s atomic war as the region’s largest reaction has taken place, for just one month next year.

How is Trump’s military policy here?

Trumps Fokus is far from the starting point of the direction of the American economy and is not at the level of the direction of public affairs. The Seine Regierung is military and nuclear. The Fortschritte schneller are also moving towards Biden, but I am not sure, and the US position in the Western region is said. The Vertrauen are also present in the Government of the United States, the Verbündete europäische zu verteidigen, as during the siege of Trump, while Macron argued, Europe was itself verteidigen müsse.

Amidst all the damage caused by the atomic battle…

The situation in the zeitgeist of Ukraine, like that of the Atomwaffen geopolitische Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Putin’s nuclear arsenal must be led by NATO, led by Ukraine. In the western region of China, the Nuklearkapazitäten die Wahrnehmung des Länder in der Region hinsichtlich der Sicherheit. The United States is committed to China as a strategic effort, which has not been the case in a war in recent months. The nuclear control structures in the zeitgeist of nuclear wars have fallen and we will strive to reach a point in atomic warfare where we find more and more vehicles of this type.

Does the United States have its mission following an atomic war against Taiwan?

An American president definitively declared that Taiwan was dizzy when the atomic conflict occurred with China. This is a bleak situation and a lack of clarity in US policy that makes the region no longer unstable.

Hugh White is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra. He is the former director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), a regional development factory, which developed strategic strategies and themes. The Berater für international Beziehungen supports the Zeitweise Die Australische Regierung and the war in the Verteidigungsministerium tätig.

Donald Trump and Xi Jinping: How will the United States and China pair together for the next century? Photos: AFP/Charly Triballeau, Elvis Barukcic