
Fact check: Will Keir Starmer be among the country’s opponents?

Fact check: Will Keir Starmer be among the country’s opponents?

This article is written in the original in English

People from Is this weird?


In the social environment, a video is available, in an angelic time, like Sir Keir Starmer, the British commanded the country, when they are there, they do not.

“When I die of a loved one who didn’t fall, I think Turkey is often and we do it,” Sir Keir said.

Subtitles, videos on X, Facebook and TikTok, were revealed by the stars of the British State Office, who became illegal migrants.

Further videos and Starmers’ response were sent to an online petition, within Rücktritt and a general Wahl gefordert werden. These have been offenbar Millionen unzufriedene Briten unterzeichnet.

All this is irrefutable, but not sure, even if the alternative video is: The clip came out in a red, the star of the month for February 2023 was screened, also before the prime minister.

Starmer wandte sich gegen Diskriminierung in seiner Partei

It was responded by a Bericht der Gleichstellungs- und Menschenrechtskommission (Commission for Equality and Human Rights, EHRC), within the framework of the party, the Labor Party in the two years zuvor ausreichende Änderungen vorgenommen hatte, um den Vorwürfen der Diskriminierung und des Antisemitisme zu begegnen.

The EHRC took place during the 2020 festival, and the Amtszeit-era side of perennial Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said the government had no right to do it. Starmer suspendierte Corbyn et schloss Hunderte von Mitgliedern aus der Partei aus, auf die Feststellungen de l’EHRC zu reactieren.

After all, the Stars die in the middle of the parts, but these parts do not change, but the parts do not change. A Official press release On the February 2023 Labor Party website, the various stars kicked off their speeches in the same speech, as in the video.

It is the same for the British Prime Minister who has asked that the United Kingdom commit to doing so, responding to the petition once again in another matter.

Myth and the Petition of the Unfried Burger

I am looking for information about the petition on the Internet, in the Rücktritt Starmers and a Neuwahl gefordert werden.

La petition a bisher knapp 3 Millionen Unterschriften gesammelt wird wird von den Abgeordneten im Parlament diskutiert wird. However, without delay, if the British States have registered with you and the Petition has been registered, you will receive a free Postal and E-Mail Address.

Theoretically, one can also make a case for the petition to the men of Australia. In State Plans, plans of state governments like Australia, Spain, USA and France are available. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht zwangsläufig, dass sie gefälscht sind. Denn das Petitionssystem erlaubt es britishchen Bürgern, aus dem Ausland zu unterschreiben.

This is a false aufgestellt behavior, which the politicians themselves gave Male’s petition underestimated. Named under the petition die Namen vieler Abgeordneter, darunter auch der von Starmer, wiederholt neben der List der Unterzeichner zu sehen.

The names of the Abgeordneten should not be left to the Abgeordneten by themselves, but by the Persons who have their Wahlkreisen. If you don’t know what to do, the Abgeordneten self or Personen, die sich als sie ausgeben, dies getan haben.

In other societies of the social environment, Starmer had to take it upon himself, jeden zu verhaften, the petition was presented. That’s why I think it’s true, that’s how it was done.


The decision of the Echtheit of the name of the petition is very reckless, as it is that of Rücktritt Starmers and his Neuwahl in Great Britain.

Sobald 10,000 Unterschriften erhält, gives the Regierung a heraus response, and sobald 100,000 Unterschriften zusammenkommen, wird sie im Parlament zur Debatte gestellt. Please note that the Regierung does not have to be checked, but it should not be changed.

Letztendlich ist the Primeminister of the Einzige, of the Parliamentswahlen ausrufen canann, and nach Starmers erdrutschartigem Sieg im Juli ist es schwer vorstellbar, dass er zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aine vorgezogen Neuwahl ausrufen würde.