
OOONO SIREN startet, OOONO 2 and P-DISC for the purchase price ›

OOONO SIREN startet, OOONO 2 and P-DISC for the purchase price ›

Der Zubehöranbieter Ooono hat sein Sortiment erweitert et neue Aktionspreise live. However, the option to choose a new version of the product should enable a significant reduction in prices. The model costs 27.99 euros and the upgraded variant with CarPlay costs 54.99 euros.

New Sicherheitslösung “OOOONO MERMAID”

Today’s news brings Ooono mit der “OOONO MERMAID” a new product to the market. The comprehensive Gerät soll Menschen in Gefahrensituationen package supports, independently of a Bluetooth alarm and a community help based app.

Nachdem das new Gerät bislang nur über die Webseite der Unternehmens verkauft wurde, ist the OOONO SIRÈNE ab sofort auch über Amazon verfügbar. The price is 69.95 euros. Now you will be able to download the Subscriptions or Gebühren.

The contractor will be with the “OOOONO MERMAID” in a free construction network, which will help you solve the problem and thus more security at hand. Wie efficient ce Konzept tatsächlich ist, bleibt abzuwarten.

Product specifications

SIRÈNE personal safety device
69.95 euros

Please note the price of your price

Brot et Butter des Anbieters bleiben die Verkehrswarner. Beide Modelle gibt es heute zum Tiefstpreis. The new model, the “OOONO NO2”, is compatible with an integrated Akku, which can be charged via USB-C, but also through the better CarPlay integration. These warnings are also included in the Fahrzeug-Display anzuzeigen. Darüber hinaus gibt es verbesserte LED- and Audiosignale.

Product specifications

OOONO CO-Driver NO2 (NEUES Modell 2024) – Optimized CO-Driver for Auto – Warnt vor Blitzern and Gefahrenstellen -…
54.99 euros
79.95 euros

This Stelle erlauben wir un den obligatorischem Hinweis: Die Nutzung von Radarwarnern ist in Deutschland nicht gestattet. Laut Straßenverkehrsordnung drohen bei Kontrollen Bussgelder in Höhe von 75 Euro. Blitz warnings are issued in the warning app for disabled issues, but without warning warnings (like security warnings or error warnings).

The “OOONO NO1” offers all the main functions: automatic Bluetooth connection with the iPhone is managed by the user of the Internet connection and support dates, to avoid falls or radar control with warning. Der Nutzer kann zudem selbst Hindernisse melden. The database was published on the platform and others were created by the Ooono-Community.

Product specifications

OOONO CO-DRIVER NO1: Warnt vor Blitzern und Gefahren im Straßenverkehr in Echtzeit, automatisch aktiv nach Verbindung…
27.99 euros
49.95 euros

Electronic fleet module P-DISC NO2

Thanks to our Ooonos Digital Parkscheibe, the “P-DISC NO2” automatically produces reduced drops. The electronic parking circuit is suitable for automobiles and constitutes an alternative solution for park maintenance of this type. The P-DISC NO2 is automatically activated by the player until automatic shutdown.

Product specifications

OOONO P-DISC NO2 – Electronic park cable with adjustment for automobiles – Automatic digital park panel with…
24.97 euros
34.95 euros