
Nikoderiko: The Magical World will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneNews

Nikoderiko: The Magical World will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneNews

Emanuela (06. December 2024 11:28)

Nikoderiko: the magical world available today for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Jump’n’Run-Abenteuer Nikoderiko: the magical world The Knights Peak publisher and the VEA Games publisher are available for PC on Steam, Steam Deck and Epic Games Store, therefore for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for only 29.99 euros!

When making products available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series by David Wise for a herzerwärmendes. Couch-Koop-Erlebnis. There are many fans of Jump’n’Run games or new games in this genre, Nikodériko Even if it is unvergessliche Reise durch sieben magische Welten voller Schätze, Herausforderungen et epischer Reittiere.

“Wir freuen uns, Nikoderikos Abenteuer nun auf dem PC einem noch größeren Publikum zugänglich zu machen”, sagging Dmitry Smirnov, creative director of VEA Games. “Our War is already immersive, classic nostalgia Jump’n’Run games are simple and fun new ideas for a new generation to come. You can, therefore, share our stories with our Couch-Koop-Gameplay schedule, as well as our Spieler and Family members all in this magical world so that they are free to play.

Main features

  • 2.5D-Level full Jump’n’Run-Kicks, Minenwagenfahrten, wilder Verfolgungsjagden, Unterwasser-Odyssee and simpler classic 3D segments
  • Fantasy world like the Tiefen des Trockenen Meeres, the frost of the Gefilde of the Schneelandes and the Geheimnisse of the Zauberwaldes
  • Epische Reittiere, auf denen Spieler zu neuen Orten reiten et deren Specialattacken sie nutzen können, un Grimbalds Cobring-Armee zu bekämpfen
  • Here are some of the legendary Soundtracks from David Wise, which are based on the most popular Plattformer-Soundtracks listed here.

More information on Nikodériko And Knights Peak it is: And

Press equipment for Nikodériko I found it here And here.