
70 Prozent gun: Dieser Händler schlägt alle anderen im Preiskampf

70 Prozent gun: Dieser Händler schlägt alle anderen im Preiskampf

(PPE. Solar / Midjourney)Then the Halterungen is all set by EPP.Solar enthalten.

EPP.Solar best if it is with starken, it is possible to have krassen Rabattaktionen. Jetzt gibt der Deutsche Top-Anbieter satte 70 Prozent Rabatt auf seine Balkonkraftwerke mit Speicher. The example above is a model with a power of 1000 watts.

Aktuell bietet EPP.Solar ein Balkonkraftwerk-Completetset zu einem greatly reduced the price. Price 3,083.33 Euro for the price of the Käufer noch 925 euros and save 2,158.33 euros. Zusätzlich fell Versandkosten at Höhe von 49 Euro an. Das Set umfasst zwei Solar moduleA Wechselrichter of Hoymiles, a Speicher with a capacity of 2.24 kWh, a Smart meter sowie all notices Anschlusskabel.

By the Nutzung des Gutscheincodes “BLACK FRIDAY75” You can now buy 75 euros spare. If you want, you can now use payment methods like Paypal and make sure of the right new bank, save now 3 percent. All in all you can get a prize of 75 euros. 824.50 euros. A unique robot for a balcony construction company.

The mini solar is designed to be installed, easily installed and has a plug-and-play device, which allows practical work to be carried out. All useful components are enthusiastic about life, which means that the costs for the devices have fallen. Lediglich müssen Sie die Halterungen, je nach Aufstellort, dazukaufen.

Balkonkraftwerk bei EPP.Solar ansehen

Technical details of Angebots

  • Typename of Solarmoduls: BloombergNEF Tier1 DGN120R10
  • Name of the Wechselrichters type: Hoymiles HMS 800W 2T
  • Type name of Speichers: Marstek B2500-D
  • Learn Wattpeak a module: 500Wp
  • Note on module: 2
  • Description of the Sets: 1000 Wc
  • Description of the speakers: 2.24 kWh

The EPP.Solar Balkonkraftwerk überzeugt durch seine hohe Leistung und einfache Handhabung. The two-phase 500W module does not have a direct sound, it also reflects the light, and the energy production is at least 15 days later.

The Hoymiles HMS 800W Enthaltene Microlighting Kit is a plug-and-play device, with fully verified installation. The Wechselrichter wandelt den erzeugten Gleichstrom (DC) du solar module à Wechselstrom (AC) um, der direct durch eine Außensteckdose in Hausnetz eingespeist werden kann. Thanks to integrated WLAN modules, you can use real-time and optimized power generation and solutions.

The Marstek B2500-D has a consumption capacity of 2.24 kWh and reaches up to 6.72 kWh. With over 6000 Ladezyklen and a 10-year lifespan guarantee, this is a long lifespan and consistent energy consumption. LiFePO4 battery technology is designed for high safety.

Balkonkraftwerk bei EPP.Solar ansehen

Discover our solutions and alternatives for your robot

Hohe Gesamtleistung
Speicher enthalten
Light installation
zusätzliche Versandkosten

The EPP.Solar Balkonkraftwerk project has a production power of 1000 Wp and a production capacity of 2.24 kWh, with charging capacity and a flexible solution for solar energy. The bifacial module adapts for efficiency, at the same time as it reflects the sunlight. The Hoymiles HMS 800W is easy to install thanks to its plug-and-play design and installation and in-depth study of energy production.

The price of 850 eurosthanks to the current reduction action that is possible, this robot is very attractive. Through the active implementation of the EPP. The solar system is not activated in the market. You will soon be able to meet one or more BlackWeek or BlackFridays angels with even higher prices. Sicher sind wir daber nicht.