
Mambu übernimmt den Anbieter von Zahlungstechnologien Numeral et stärkt damit seine Marktposition, um new Wachstumsmöglichkeiten zu erschließen

  • The company is a strategic firm of leading Cloud-Banking service providers, a consultancy for upcoming clients. Mambu strives to expand its market and create an ideal environment for long-term plan support.

  • The figures platform is integrated into the Mambu core banking system and with strong technology for capital investments within the next generation of financial products for investments and future investments.

AMSTERDAM, 6. December 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Mambu, a new cloud banking platform, powered by Numeral, is a French leading technology company for banks and Fintechs.

The emergence of the Mambu’s position as branch manager and taking charge of the markets and promoting the growth of modern financial services. The implementation of the investment strategy is a fitting investiture in the next phase of Mambu Forests as Marktteilnehmer dar.

Mit der Plattform von Numeral kann Mambu neue Werte aus breiteren Publikumssegmenten generieren, die seinen Marktanteil ingesamt erhöhen werden. We believe this is a unique strategic solution for major cloud banking extensions.

“This acquisition is an experienced contractor, a modern, purchasing service provider, which is only an integrator of Mambu’s product portfolio. With the platform for figures online shopping, we can help you solve different technical problems, best product lines and our market models, which will enable you to get high-quality functions for a lifetime of supplier. erfullen.” – Fernando ZandonaGeschäftsführer von Mambu.

In the future, Numeral’s rich digital world is the best way to go, Zandona said: “Numeral’s values, agility and robust onboarding process are perfect for establishing a corporate mindset for employees. If you don’t dare, your talented Team will know what to do, if you want to get new ideas, you’ll get to know them.”

Chiffre was established in 2021 and is a very good administrator of savings technology, the financial institute being a universal gateway for the administration of partner banks and investment systems which constitute a modern economic powerhouse for the automation of the retirement savings system. It’s in Paris Several years ago, companies announced prices of up to 10 billion euros and a start in Europe occurred, after which they were placed within the organization auf das Vereinigte Königreich ausgeweitet hat .